Page 9 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
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               This is Interloop’s third Sustainability Report. The report has been prepared in
               accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting
               Standards at Core Level. The Report also complies with the requirements of the
               Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB) Apparel, Accessories and
               Footwear Sustainability Accounting Standard to provide stakeholders a complete
 36,945        overview of Interloop’s sustainability impacts and its contribution towards the goal
 PKR in Million  of Sustainable Development. The report covers how Interloop is contributing to the
 1.54%  Revenues  United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through its operational activities and
 1,684,384     community development initiatives.

 Energy   GJ   Scope and Boundary                Methodology and
 Consumption  27%
                                                 Data Quality
 1,796         The sustainability report contains
 PKR in Million  Net Profit   information about Interloop Limited’s   The data included in the report has   available in printed as well as PDF
               operations from July 01, 2019, to June
 65%  after Tax  30, 2020. The last sustainability report   been recorded on actual basis.   (e-copy) form. The PDF form is the
               covering the period July 01, 2018, to   However, where data is not available,   most updated version which can be
                                                 estimation has been used. All such
               June 30, 2019, was published on                                     accessed at
 2,376,487     April 1, 2020. The information included   estimations have been clearly   Stakeholders’ input on the report
 Water   m 3   in this report encompasses Interloop   mentioned at respective places.   helps to keep our reporting relevant
 Consumption  11%  Limited’s operating divisions including   The data related to environmental   for our stakeholders’ decision-making
               Spinning, Yarn Dyeing, Knitting,   impacts has been obtained from the   needs. The sustainability team can be
 10.40%        Finishing and Denim but does not   Sustainability Cell which is responsible   reached at the following address:
                                                 for measuring and monitoring
 64.20%  Return on   cover the information on the impacts   environmental impact and progress
 Equity        of its subsidiary companies. Moreover,   against the targets. The sustainability
               the information on impacts within the   report is part of Interloop Limited’s
               supply chain is also not included due   annual reporting process.
 113,368       to non-availability of reliable data.
 Mt                                              Assurance
 Emissions  2%  Report Content                                                     Muhammad Fauz Ul Azeem
 175                                             The Sustainability Cell and the   DGM Textile Chemistry & Compliance
 PKR in Million  Community   The contents of the report, including   Management Committee review the   Phone: +92-41-4360400
               material topics, have been derived
 50%  Investment  as per the requirements of GRI   report annually. The report is not
               Sustainability Reporting Standards,   reviewed independently by a third-
                                                 party assurer. However, Interloop is
               impacts of our operations as well   interested in getting independent
               as our engagement with important   reviews of future sustainability reports.
               stakeholder groups. More details   The GRI Index is available on page
               about consultation and determination   100 of this report. The report is
               of material topics are available on
               pages 42-44 of this report.

 *The above percentages are in comparison with FY 2019

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