Page 92 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
P. 92



            We believe in nurturing talent by   since 2014. We were the Official
            promoting sports, competitiveness   Sponsor of the Pakistan Cricket
            and healthy entertainment for the   Team for the Blind Cricket World
            youth, community and the society.   Cup 2014, played in South Africa,
            For this purpose, Interloop has joined   and Blind Cricket World Cup 2018,
            hands with sports organizations,   played in Pakistan & UAE. Interloop
            especially those representing blind,   also promotes female sports and
            handicapped, and women players,   supported the Pakistan Women Blind
            to sponsor multiple tournaments   Cricket Team Coaching Camp in
            throughout the year.             2018 and sponsored world’s First
                                             International Women Blind Cricket
                                             Series in 2019 between Nepal &
            Sponsoring Cricket for a
                                             Pakistan. Interloop also sponsored
            Cause                            3 International tournament for men
                                             with India, Sri Lanka and Nepal teams   also supported 3 Pakistani athletes
            To encourage young players from the   respectively, hosted by Pakistan.  at the Special Olympics 2019, held in                Literary Activities              have stepped into tech-savvy fields   in the competition and the finalist
            grassroots for National and A-Teams,                               Dubai.                                                                                      as well, and She Loves Tech Pakistan   represented Pakistan at the global
            Interloop has been sponsoring cricket                                                                                         Playing its role in creating learning   has been one such program that   competition in China.
            tournaments including SAICA-     Sports for the Differently                                                                   opportunities and developing the   got full support from Interloop as the
            Interloop T-20 Cricket Championships   Abled                       Intervarsity-Interloop                                     character of the society, Interloop   main sponsor, as we partnered with   Lyallpur Picture Gallery
            (twice) and Interloop Premier League                               Sports Extravaganzas                                       supports various cultural and literary   CIRCLE Pakistan; the local organizer
            T-20 Cricket Tournaments (annually),   To promote the rights and well- being                                                  events throughout the year.      and a social enterprise working on   Interloop provides financial support
            since 2012.                      of persons with disabilities, Interloop   To motivate youth towards healthy                                                   women’s economic empowerment      to Lyallpur Picture Gallery, annually,
                                             joined hands with the Pakistan    activities, Interloop has been                                                              and leadership development. It    developed by District Government,
                                             Wheel Chair Cricket Association and   sponsoring Intervarsity T-20 Cricket                   Faisalabad Literary
            International & Domestic                                                                                                                                       is the world’s largest contest to   Faisalabad. General public, especially
                                             sponsored the Pakistan Wheel Chair   Championships and Sports Galas                          Festival
            Blind Cricket                    Cricket team for Wheel Chair Asia Cup   annually since 2016 at the University                                                 create opportunities for women-led/  students visit the gallery to learn about
                                             2019. We sponsored the Pakistan   of Agriculture, Faisalabad in which                        Since 2014, Interloop hosts the   impact tech start-ups to level up   Faisalabad’s rich history, culture and
            Interloop has been sponsoring    Disabled Cricket Team for T-20 Cricket   top teams from various universities                 Faisalabad Literary Festival every year   the global stage. STEM women   transformation into a textile industry
            International & Domestic Blind Cricket                                                                                                                         from all over Pakistan participated   hub.
                                             World Series, in England in 2019. We   participate.                                          as the main sponsor, where people
                                                                                                                                          from all walks of life including families
                                                                                                                                          and youth get the opportunity to
                                                                               Supporting Young Talent
                                                                                                                                          interact firsthand with eminent literati
                                                                               Interloop is also providing financial                      from across the country, who gather to
                                                                               support to Pakistan’s Fastest &                            inspire people with their popular works
                                                                               Youngest Athlete; Sahab-e-Asra, for                        of literature and performing arts.
                                                                               her future Endeavors.
                                                                               All Pakistan Open Golf
                                                                               Tournament                                                 She Loves Tech, Pakistan
                                                                               Interloop has been sponsoring the                          We have been an avid advocate of
                                                                               All Pakistan Interloop Open Golf                           diversity and have been supporting
                                                                               Championship annually since 2015,                          STEM projects, especially those
                                                                               organized by the Lyallpur Golf N’                          articulated around females.
                                                                               Country Club, Faisalabad.                                  Broadening their horizon, women

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