Page 95 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
P. 95


               Mobile Health Clinic

               Interloop has partnered with Lok
               Sanjh Foundation; implementation
               partner of Better Cotton Initiative
               (BCI) in Pakistan, to finance provision
               of Mobile Health Services for
               marginalized Rural Communities,
               in cotton growing areas of 3 Union
               Councils in District Toba Tek Singh,
               Punjab. Since Feb 2019, two Mobile
               Health Clinics are serving approx.
               11,000 rural community members,
               especially farmers, women workers
               and women cotton pickers working in
               the cotton fields, on weekly basis.

 Health Care  and treatments for Cardiac ailments,   intellectual and physical disabilities.
 at various top hospitals of Pakistan,   More than 100 students are being   Community Support during COVID-19 pandemic
 Another area of constant focus for   since 2009.  benefited per year.
 Interloop’s social responsibility is   Interloop has always supported the communities in the hour of need and the COVID-19 pandemic is no different. We
 Heath Care. The eruption of the   Support for Differently   Alzheimer Socks  immediately earmarked PKR 70 million to support the people in need and it will be on-going support as per the growing
 COIVD-19 pandemic has further   Abled Children  requirement. Following community initiatives were taken during the pandemic outburst:
 elevated the need of well-being   Interloop teamed up with Euro Sox
 initiatives for healthier societies. Our   Interloop, being a community oriented   Plus B.V. Netherlands in 2015, 17, 18   •   To ensure proper protection of our frontline doctors & medical staff who were treating COVID-19 patients, Interloop
 activities in this area support SDG-3;   organization, annually supports   & 19 and produced Alzheimer Socks;   donated 100,000 masks and 5,000 protective goggles to National Disaster Management Authority, to be supplied to
 Good Health and Well-Being.  education, health and well-being   an initiative to start the dialogue   hospitals
 of differently abled children by   and create awareness among   •   Donated PPEs & Medical Equipment to Faisalabad Medical University Hospitals and other hospitals in Faisalabad and
 Free Treatment for Poor   supporting Syeda Khatoon-e-Jannat   people about Alzheimer’s disease.   Lahore
 Trust Hospital & Special Education   Approximately €1.78 million have
 Patients  been generated and donated for   •   Partnered with Nestle Pakistan and Interloop Welfare Trust donated 50,000 liters of milk for the people in need
 Center, Faisalabad; a noble institution
 We have been providing free health   looking after the treatment and   research on diagnostics and treatment   •   Provided food hampers to 15,000 deserving families in Faisalabad, Kasur district and Karachi as well
 of Alzheimer’s disease
 care services to deserving patients   optimal development of children with
 at various hospitals across Pakistan.
 During the year, Interloop supported
 multiple hospitals in Faisalabad,
 by providing stretcher beds to
 DHQ Hospital and financial aid to
 ENT ward at Government General
 Hospital, Ghulam Muhammad Abad,
 Gynecology Ward at Hilal e Ahmar and
 General Ward at Mujahid Hospital. We
 are regularly providing free treatments
 to approx. 17,440 deserving patients
 for Corneal Transplants, Ophthalmic
 Diseases, Renal Dialysis, Tuberculosis
 treatment, Hepatitis C treatment,
 Spinal & Orthopedic treatments, Blood
 Transfusion, Thalassemia, Hemophilia

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