Page 98 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
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            The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted   stakeholders, in line with our Mission.   to a vertically integrated, LEED
            in global recession and loss of jobs,   We will keep following the Triple   certified sustainable manufacturing               Completely conscious of upcoming   Our people are our strength to realize   Stakeholders’ input is critical for our
            pushing millions of people below the   Bottom Line Sustainability Approach,   facility. We will keep pursuing our             Environmental sustainability     our mission and create a shared   long-term success in the competitive
            poverty line. The uncertain conditions   focusing on People, Planet &   diversification strategy and our newly                challenges on account of our     value. We are committed to pursue   market, therefore, we commit to
            are still prevailing as no vaccine   Prosperity. Pursuing sustainability in   established technological advanced              operations and our supply chain, we   best employment practices through   engage our stakeholders on a
            is available yet, while the second   all spheres of our business activities   and sustainable Denim Apparel                   will be introducing Environmental   provision of a safer and productive   regular basis for gaining insights
            wave of the pandemic is erupting in   and to practice it more effectively,   manufacturing facility, is planned to            Targets for all businesses, aligned with   workplace, nourishing talent through   on sustainability issues. Moreover,
            many countries. A slow economic   we will be endeavoring to achieve   be a LEED Platinum certified plant,                     relevant Sustainable Development   trainings, providing competitive   we pledge to share our story with
            recovery is expected in 2021, making   our sustainability targets by FY   with the target to engage females as                Goals (SDGs) of United Nations   rewards and benefits, and investing in   our stakeholders and interested
            this challenging situation linger on   2021, furthering our undertaking of   50% of the total workforce, in-house             Development Programme (UNDP).    employee welfare activities.      parties and to continue supporting
            for some time, for all of us. Despite   sustainable business with inclusive   day care, at least 30% area as green            We aim to further reduce our                                       UNDP’s Sustainable Development
            challenges in business and profitability   growth.                 space, ZERO hazardous material and                         environmental impact through     We are aware of our responsibility   Goals through our operations
            this year owing to global lockdowns,                               waste, reduce carbon footprint by up                       effective strategies, investment in   towards our community. Acting as   and interventions, for building a
            our teams across all our categories   Strong financial performance is   to 50%, save approximately 35million                  new technologies and automation   an Agent of Positive Change, we are   Sustainable World!
            worked diligently to manage their   vital not only for business continuity   liters of water per month and focus              tools, increased clean energy    committed to continue investing in
            businesses efficiently, during this   but also for pursuing sustainable   on maintaining & enhancing worker                   production, efficient waste, water   education, health, sports, women
            uncertainty.                     practices, successfully. To ensure   safety. We will also be scaling up our                  and energy management, improved   empowerment and literary activities for
                                             sustained economic returns, Interloop   Knitwear Pilot Project to a state of                 water recycling, and sustainable   the under privileged, for developing a
            Interloop is committed to continue   will continue to focus on growing   the art vertically integrated Knitwear               procurements.                    prosperous and healthy society.
            working as a responsible organization,   our hosiery business by scaling   garments manufacturing plant and
            creating shared value for all    up the Hosiery Plant 5 Pilot project   ramping up the Seamless Active wear

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