Page 147 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 147




 33.1  Staff salaries and benefits include Rs. 0.961 million (2018: Rs. 0.715 million) in respect of the provident fund contribution.  2019  2018
                                                                             Note             Rupees in ‘000
 2019  2018
 Note   Rupees in ‘000  35.2   Loss on mutual funds measured at fair value through profit or loss;
 34. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES  Remeasurement loss on investment in mutual funds - fair value through profit or loss   18.1   20,787    10,908
 Staff salaries and benefits  34.1 & 34.2   1,057,212    826,274   Realized loss on investment in mutual funds - fair value through profit or loss    915    49,177
 Directors' remuneration   96,362    111,470
 Staff retirement gratuity  25.4   67,726    50,920   Dividend income on investment in mutual funds - fair value through profit or loss    (5,816)   (1,828)
 Postage and communication   38,675    34,513                                                15,886         58,257
 Electricity, gas and water   22,135    14,607
 Rent, rates and taxes   113,939    65,022   36. OTHER INCOME
 Printing and stationery   62,475    53,346
 Travelling and conveyance   114,448    100,324
 Vehicles running and maintenance   23,846    20,051   Income from financial assets
 Legal and professional charges   73,982    39,672   Interest on long term loan to SNGPL         -             16
 Repairs and maintenance   45,870    49,716   Interest on loan to Metis International (Pvt) Ltd   7,211      8,923
 Auditors' remuneration  34.4   2,875    1,360   Profit on TDRs                               1,437           225
 Insurance   17,951    17,213   Interest on receivables from IL Bangla Limited                5,796             -
 Entertainment   51,791    51,101
 Advertisement   17,557    4,379                                                             14,444          9,164
 Newspapers and periodicals   1,189    656
 Depreciation  7.1.2   150,770    133,392   37. FINANCE COST
 Amortization  8   9,047    10,371
 Others   16,359    13,417   Mark up on:
  1,984,209    1,597,804   Short term borrowings                                            552,483         269,986
                    Long term financing                                                     315,730         139,980
                  Interest on workers' profit participation fund             26.3            21,425          6,172
 34.1  Staff salaries and benefits include Rs. 4.746 million (2018: Rs. 3.804 million) in respect of the provident fund contribution.  Lease finance charges   14    82
                  Bank charges and commission                                               106,055         67,434
 34.2  Staff salaries and benefits include Rs. 5.031 million (2018: Rs. 4.188 million) in respect of employees' share option compensation expense.
                                                                                            995,707         483,654
 34.3  The investments out of provident fund have been made in accordance with the provisions of section 218 of the Companies Act, 2017 and conditions
 specified thereunder.  38. TAXATION
 34.4  Auditors' remuneration  Current year                                  38.1           226,216         120,197
                  Prior year                                                                     -            (243)
 Annual audit fee   1,825    950                                                            226,216         119,954
 Other certification   400    260
 Half yearly review   500    -     38.1  Provision for deferred tax is not required as the Company is chargeable to tax under section 154 and 169 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and no
 Out of pocket expenses   150    150   temporary differences are expected to arise in the foreseeable future. Reconciliation of tax expense and product of accounting profit multiplied by the
  2,875    1,360    applicable tax rate is not required in view of presumptive taxation.
                 38.2  Section 5A of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 imposes tax at the rate of 5% on every public company other than a scheduled bank or Modaraba, that
 35. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES  derives profits for a tax year but does not distribute at least 20% of accounting profit through cash dividend within six months of the end of said tax year.
 Exchange loss - net   15,258    12,801   The Company has distributed sufficient cash dividend, for the year ended June 30, 2018, which complies with the above stated requirements. Accord-
 Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment   47,091    38,694   ingly, no provision for tax on undistributed profits has been recognized in the financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2019.
 Charity and donations  35.1   350,176    104,847
 Workers' profit participation fund  26.3   285,315    210,830
 Loss on mutual funds measured at fair value through profit or loss   35.2   15,886    58,257   2019    2018
 Provision for impairment loss on investment in IL Bangla Ltd.  9.1   70,814    -
  784,540    425,429
 35.1  Donations include the following in which a director or his spouse has an interest;  39.1  Earnings per share - Basic
 Name of Donee  Interest in Donee  Name of Director  Profit for the year (Rupees in '000)   5,194,767      3,885,809

 Interloop Welfare Trust  Trustees  Mr. Navid Fazal   99,223    21,766   Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year (Numbers in'000)   778,750    189,993
 Mr. Musadaq Zulqarnain  Add: Bonus shares issued after the reporting period (Numbers in '000)   -          571,831
 Mrs. Sheren Aftab                                                                          778,750         761,824
 Mr. Jahanzeb Khan Banth                                                                                              2018 - 19
 Interloop Limited  Earnings per share - basic   (Rupees)                                    6.6706         5.1007    Annual Report
 Mr. Muhammad Maqsood

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