Page 176 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 176

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF                                                                                                     CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF

            CASH FLOW                                                                                                                     CASH FLOW

            FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2019                                                                                              FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2019

                                                                                     2019           2018                                                                                                           2019           2018
                                                                                          Rupees in ‘000                                                                                               Note             Rupees in ‘000

                                                                                                                                          c) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                            Long term financing obtained                                              4,228,002      1,300,000
              Profit before taxation                                                   5,286,811       3,887,964                            Repayment of long term financing                                         (2,568,542)     (1,112,483)
                                                                                                                                            Payment of liabilities against assets subject to finance lease               (847)         (1,645)
              Adjustments for:                                                                                                              Short term borrowings - net                                              (3,325,195)     7,544,364
                                                                                                                                            Share capital issued                                                      1,102,558         4,719
              Depreciation                                                             1,653,053       1,541,946                            Share premium net of transaction cost                                     3,782,977         9,576
              Amortization                                                                9,182          10,427                             Dividend paid                                                            (1,434,588)      (475,276)
              Employee share option compensation expense                                  5,031          4,188                              Net cash generated from financing activities                              1,784,365      7,269,255
              Workers' profit participation fund                                         285,315        215,040
              Staff retirement gratuity                                                  527,598        417,798
              Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                          47,553          39,145                             Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                 (a+b+c)         2,288,223       (36,108)
              Loss on disposal of biological assets                                          -           25,871                             Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                     195,939        232,047
              Interest income on long term loan to SNGPL                                     -             (16)                             Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year            42            2,484,162       195,939
              Interest on loan to Metis International (Pvt) Ltd                           (7,211)        (8,923)
              Gain from changes in fair value less costs to sell of biological assets        -           (9,245)
              Profit on TDR's                                                              (182)          (225)                           The annexed notes 1 to 54 form an integral part of these financial statements.
              Remeasurement loss on investment in mutual funds                           20,787          10,908
              Share of loss from associate                                               58,485          53,032
              Loss on disposal/loss of control of subsidiary                                 -          147,065
              Interest on receivables from IL Bangla Limited                              (5,796)           -
              Finance cost                                                               999,260        498,956
              Operating cash flows before working capital changes                      8,879,886       6,833,931
              Changes in working capital
                (Increase)/decrease in current assets
                Feed, health and breeding                                                    -           (5,674)
                Stores and spares                                                       (111,206)       (87,590)
                Stock in trade                                                         (1,176,257)    (1,555,837)
                Trade debts                                                             (981,054)     (2,479,990)
                Loan and advances                                                       (449,947)       307,444
                Deposit, prepayment and other receivables                                (23,340)       328,537
                Tax refunds due from government                                          385,675       (309,415)
                Short term investment in mutual funds - net                               (4,258)     (5,447,852)
              (Decrease)/Increase in current liabilities
                Trade and other payables                                                 803,363        860,769
                                                                                       (1,557,024)    (8,389,608)
              Cash generated from/(used in) operations                                 7,322,862      (1,555,677)

                Finance cost paid                                                      (1,001,749)     (444,189)
                Income tax paid                                                         (244,341)      (296,412)
                Staff retirement gratuity paid                                          (131,021)      (153,266)
                Workers' profit participation fund paid                                 (232,068)      (163,041)
                Long term loans paid                                                     (21,549)       (13,875)
                Long term deposits (paid)/received                                        (8,303)        3,880
                Profit on TDRs received                                                    182            225
                Interest on loan to Metis International (Pvt) Ltd received                   -           6,521
                Interest income received on long term loan to SNGPL                          -             16
              Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities                   5,684,013      (2,615,818)

              Additions in:
                 Property, plant and equipment                                         (5,278,596)    (3,492,545)
                 Intangible asset                                                        (36,854)        (5,899)
              Advance for purchase of land                                                   -          (23,897)
              Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment                    135,295         66,452
              Proceeds from deaths/disposal of biological assets                             -           62,987
              Net cash disposed on disposal/loss of control of subsidiary                    -        (1,212,779)
              Long term investments                                                    (5,180,155)    (4,689,545)                                                                                                                                2018 - 19
       Interloop Limited                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Annual Report
              Net cash used in investing activities

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