Page 207 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 207




 15.3   At June 30, 2019, trade debts due from related parties aggregating to Rs. 298.17 million (2018: Rs. 163.99 million) were past due but not impaired.   2019  2018
 The ageing analysis of these trade debts is as follows:                     Note             Rupees in ‘000
               18. SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS
 2019  2018
 Note   Rupees in ‘000  Mutual Funds - Fair value through profit or loss:  18.1 & 18.2
 Not yet due   392,170    73,828   Alfalah GHP Income Multiplier Fund                            -          56,657
 Upto 1 month    119,452    108,536   Alfalah GHP Alfa Fund                                  17,306         20,740
 More than 1 month   178,716    55,457   Alfalah GHP Sovereign Fund                          58,944             -
  690,338    237,821   Meezan Islamic Fund                                                   34,795         45,978
                  Meezan Sovereign Fund
                  NAFA Financial Sector Income Fund                                            909              -
 16. LOANS AND ADVANCES   NAFA Islamic Energy Fund                                               -          24,040
                  NAFA Stock Fund                                                            16,986             -
 Considered good:  NAFA Money Market Fund                                                     1,555             -
                  UBL Growth And Income Fund                                                     -              3
 Loans            UBL Government Securities Fund                                               394              -
 Current portion of loans to employees - Secured  11.1   53,683    47,749                   130,896         147,425
 Current portion of loan to director - Secured  11.2   3,100    -
 Metis international (Pvt) Limited - Secured  16.1   9,560    33,414   Term Deposit Receipts (TDRs) - Amortized cost:  18.3
                  The Bank of Punjab                                                        150,347             -
                  National Bank of Pakistan                                                 790,908             -
 Advances to suppliers                                                                      941,255             -
 Advances to employees  16.2   1,002,980    536,580
  7,401    -
  1,076,724    617,743   Sales Tax Refund Bonds - Amortized cost:            18.4
 16.1   This loan was given in foreign currency amounting to US$ 275,000 at rate of 15% per annum. Upon lapse of payment date, additional mark up at the   FBR Refund Settlement Company (Private) Limited   135,100    -
 rate of 2.5% will be charged on monthly mark up installment due for each day of delay upto a maximum of 20%. The loan is secured through an irrevo-   1,207,251    147,425
 cable lien/charge on total assets of the Metis International (Pvt) Limited.
                  18.1    Detail of Investment in Mutual Funds
 16.2   Advances to employees are given to meet business expenses and are settled as and when expenses are incurred.
                                                     Number of
 17. DEPOSIT, PREPAYMENT AND OTHER RECEIVABLES     Name of the investee  shares / units   Average Cost    Fair value    Remeasurement loss
                                                  as at June 30, 2019  as at June 30, 2019  as at June 30, 2019   as at June 30, 2019
 L/C margin   73,295    -                          No. of units '000                Rupees in ‘000
 Insurance premium   40,522    25,211   Alfalah GHP Alfa Fund   308.8077    22,272          17,306          (4,966)
 Other receivables
 Receivables from related parties  17.1   83,980    78,743   Alfalah GHP Sovereign Fund   554.0604    61,221    58,944    (2,277)
 Accrued interest on loan to Metis International (Pvt) Limited   10,441    2,401   Meezan Islamic Fund   725.9510    45,978    34,795    (11,183)
 Others   -      65,536
  208,238    171,891   Meezan Sovereign Fund                 0.1371             7               7               -
                 NAFA Financial Sector Income Fund          86.5028           924             909             (15)
 17.1    Receivables from related parties include receivables from:  NAFA Stock Fund   1,416.4747    19,307    16,986    (2,321)
 IL Bangla Limited - Unquoted associate  17.4   82,766    76,970   NAFA Money Market Fund   157.5662    1,563    1,555    (8)
 Interloop Holdings (Pvt) Ltd - an associated undertaking   -      1,273   UBL Government Securities Fund   3.7222    411    394    (17)
 Interloop Welfare Trust   1,214    -
 Interloop Limited ESOS Management Trust   -      500
  83,980    78,743
                 Total                                    3,253.2220       151,683         130,896         (20,787)
 17.2   The maximum aggregate amount of receivable due from related parties at the end of any month during the year was Rs. 83.98 million (2018: Rs. 78.74
 million).        18.2    Fair values of these investments are determined using quoted market / repurchase price.
 17.3    At June 30, 2019, receivables aggregating to Rs. 83.98 million (2018: Rs. 78.74 million) were past due but not impaired. The ageing analysis of these   18.3    Short term investment in TDRs earned interest at effective rate of 11.55% to 12.05% per annum.
 receivables is as follows:
                  18.4    By virtue of enactment of section 67A in the Sales Tax Act, 1990, Sales Tax Refunds claimant have been given option to receive their refunds in shape
 Upto 1 month    7,154    1,773   of Sales Tax Refund Bonds which have been directly credited to the Corporate Investor Account maintained with CDC (Central Depository Company of
 More than 1 month   76,826    76,970   Pakistan Limited) .
  83,980    78,743    The bonds so issued have a maturity period of three (3) years and shall bear simple profit at the rate of 10% per annum. The bonds are freely tradable   2018 - 19
 Interloop Limited  17.4     This represents balance receivable against payments made on behalf of IL Bangla Limited. Interest is charged at effective rate of 7.53% per annum.  collateral security. After period of maturity, the Company shall return the bonds to the Board and the Board shall make the payment of amount due under   Annual Report
                      in Pakistan’s secondary markets and shall be approved security for calculating the statutory liquidity reserve and shall be acceptable by the banks as
                      the bonds, along with profit due, to the bond holders.
                      The bonds shall be redeemable before maturity only at the option of the Board along with simple profit payable at the time of redemption in the light of
                      general or specific policy to be formulated by the Board.
 204                  The management intend to trade and redeem these bonds in near future, therefore, these are grouped in short term investments.  205
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