Page 213 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
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 2019  2018       27.1  It includes an amount of Rs. 209.855 million (2018: Rs. 188.219 million) relating to infrastructure cess payable.
 Note   Rupees in ‘000
                      Honourable Sindh High Court in its decision dated 17 September, 2008 declared the imposition of infrastructure cess before December 28, 2006 as
                      void and invalid. However, the Excise and Taxation Department filed an appeal before the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan. The Honourable
 26.1.5   Total remeasurement chargeable to other comprehensive income  Supreme court of Pakistan had disposed off the appeal with a joint statement of the parties that during the pendency of the appeal, another law i.e. fifth
                      version came into existence which was not the subject matter of the appeal hence the case was referred back to High Court of Sindh with right to appeal
 Remeasurement of plan obligation:  to Supreme Court. On May 31, 2011, the High Court of Sindh had granted an interim relief on an application of petitioners on certain terms including
 Actuarial gain from changes in demographic assumptions   -      (75,521)  discharge and return of bank guarantees / security furnished on consignment released up to December 27, 2006 and any bank guarantee / security
 Actuarial losses from changes in financial assumptions   97,569    67,823   furnished on consignment released after December 27, 2006 shall be encashed to extent of 50% of the guaranteed or secured amount only with balance
 Experience adjustments   95,256    99,417
                      kept intact till the disposal of petition. In case the High Court upholds the applicability fifth version of law and its retrospective application, the authorities
  192,825    91,719   are entitled to claim the amounts due under the said law with the right to appeal available to petitioner. In the light of interim relief the Company has paid
                      50% of the amount of Infrastructure cess. Imports of the Company are being released against 50% payment of Infrastructure cess to Excise and Taxation
                      Department and furnishing of bank guarantee of balance amount.
 2019  2018
 26.1.6   Principal actuarial assumptions used
                      The Government of Punjab imposed Punjab Infrastructure Development Levy in terms of the Punjab Infrastructure Development Cess Act, 2015 (the
 Discount rate used for profit and loss charge  10.00%  7.75%  Act) read with PRA Notification No.PRA/IDC/2015 dated 16.05.2016 and PRA order No.PRA/Orders.08/2015 dated 23.05.2016. The Company being
 Discount rate for year end obligation  14.50%  10.00%  aggrieved filed writ petition vide WP No.24536 of 2016 before Honorable Lahore High Court challenging the constitutionality of the Act .  The Lahore
                      High Court on 28.07.2016 granted interim relief for clearance of goods subject to payment of 50% of the disputed amount and upon furnishing of a bank
 Salary increase used for year end obligation  guarantee for the balance of 50% of the amount.
 Salary increase for FY 2019  N/A  9.25%
 Salary increase for FY 2020  14.00%  9.25%  Both the above referred cases are pending litigation before respective Honorable High Courts.  The case of Sindh High Court is pending adjudication,
 Salary increase for FY 2021  14.00%  9.25%  whereas case preferred before Honorable Lahore High Court has been fixed for 24.09.2019.
 Salary increase for FY 2022  14.00%  9.25%
 Salary increase for FY 2023   14.00%  9.25%  However the full amount of Infrastructure Cess forms component of cost of imported items and provision recorded in books. Bank guarantees furnished
 Salary increase for FY 2024  14.00%  9.25%  ragarding imposition of infrastructure cess have been disclosed in note - 31.1 to these financial statements.
 Salary increase for FY 2025 onward  14.00%  9.25%
                  27.2  This includes amount of Rs. 337,814/- payable to ESOS Management Trust for payments received against issuance of shares to employees under
 Demographic assumption
 Mortality rates (for deaths in service)  SLIC  SLIC                                     2019           2018
 2001-2005  2001-2005
 Setback 1 year  Setback 1 year                                              Note             Rupees in ‘000
 Retirement assumption  60 years  60 years
                   27.3    Workers’ profit participation fund
 26.1.7 The expected contribution to defined benefit obligation for the year ending June 30, 2020 will be Rs. 746.576 million.
                   Opening Balance                                                          210,828         168,111
 26.1.8 Sensitivity analysis  Interest on funds utilized in the Company's business           21,425          7,403
                                                                                            232,253         175,514
    The calculation of the defined benefit obligation is sensitive to assumptions set out above. The following table summarizes how the impact on the   Less: paid during the year   (232,068)   (163,041)
 defined benefit obligation at the end of the reporting period would have increased / (decreased) as a result of a change in respective assumptions by
 100 bps.                                                                                      185          12,473
                   Add: allocation for the year                                             285,315         215,040
 2019  2018        Less: Disposal of Interloop Dairies Limited                              285,500         227,513
 Note   Rupees in ‘000                                                                           -          (16,685)
                                                                                            285,500         210,828
 Discount rate + 100 bps   (2,246,150)   (1,728,390)
 Discount rate - 100 bps   2,799,035    2,165,469
 Salary change + 100 bps   2,802,607    2,169,128   28. ACCRUED MARK UP
 Salary change - 100 bps   (2,238,597)   (1,721,659)
                  Mark up on:
 The sensitivity analysis of the defined benefit obligation to the significant actuarial assumptions has been performed using the same calculation   Long term financing   46,259    36,228
 techniques as applied for calculation of defined benefit obligation reported in the balance sheet.  Short term borrowings   67,683    101,628
                                                                                            113,942         137,856
 26.1.9 The average duration of defined benefit obligation for the year ended 2019 is 11 years (2018: 11 years).
               29. SHORT TERM BORROWINGS
                  From banking companies - Secured
 Trade creditors  27.1   848,521    889,974   Under mark up arrangements
 Accrued liabilities   2,240,530    1,464,173   ERF - II                                  11,726,000      11,021,000
 Advances from customers  27.2   7,397    13,510   FAPC - own source          29.1          129,742        2,750,000
                   Running finance
 Other payables   154,457    127,403   From related parties - Unsecured
 Employees provident fund trust   5,059    4,315   Chief executive and directors                 -          146,573
 Withholding tax payable  27.3   84,180    20,286                                         11,855,742      15,180,937
 Workers' profit participation fund   3,625,644    2,730,489                                                          2018 - 19
 Interloop Limited                                                                                                    Annual Report

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