Page 216 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 216

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED                                                                                                     NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED

            FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                                                                                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2019                                                                                              FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2019

                                                                                     2019           2018                                                                                                           2019           2018
                                                                         Note             Rupees in ‘000                                                                                               Note             Rupees in ‘000

            35.   ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES                                                                                                   36.2   Loss on mutual funds measured at fair value through profit or loss;
               Directors' remuneration                                                   111,952        111,470                               Remeasurement loss on investment in mutual funds - fair value through profit or loss   18.1   20,787    10,908
               Staff salaries and benefits                             35.1 & 35.2      1,066,010       845,765
               Staff retirement gratuity                                 26.1.4           68,178         52,113                               Realized loss on investment in mutual funds - fair value through profit or loss    915    49,177
               Postage and communication                                                  39,254         35,157
               Electricity, gas and water                                                 22,135         19,766                               Dividend income on investment in mutual funds - fair value through profit or loss    (5,816)   (1,828)
               Rent, rates and taxes                                                     122,419         71,842                                                                                                         15,886         58,257
               Printing and stationery                                                    63,218         53,388
               Travelling and conveyance                                                 114,820        100,491
               Vehicles running and maintenance                                           24,491         20,989                           37.   OTHER INCOME
               Legal and professional                                                     74,578         41,010                              Income from financial assets
               Repairs and maintenance                                                    46,548         50,283
               Auditors' remuneration                                    35.4             3,000          1,786                               Interest on long term loan to SNGPL                                            -            16
               Insurance                                                                  18,221         17,359                              Interest on loan to Metis International (Pvt) Ltd                          7,211           8,923
               Entertainment                                                              52,221         51,113                              Profit on TDR's                                                            1,437          43,198
               Advertisement                                                              17,576         4,379                               Interest on receivables from IL Bangla Limited                             5,796             -
               Newspapers and periodicals                                                 1,190            656
               Depreciation                                              8.1.2           155,328        137,664                              Profit on deposit accounts                                                     -           2,821
               Amortization                                               9               9,182          10,427
               Others                                                                     18,319         13,552                              Income from financial assets
                                                                                        2,028,640      1,639,210
                                                                                                                                             Miscellaneous                                                                  -            129
              35.1  Staff salaries and benefits include Rs. 4.746 million (2018: Rs. 3.804 million) in respect of the provident fund contribution.                                                                      14,444         55,087
                                                                                                                                          38.   FINANCE COST
              35.2  Staff salaries and benefits include Rs. 5.031 million (2018: Rs. 4.188 million) in respect of employees’ share option compensation expense.
                                                                                                                                             Mark up on:
              35.3  The investments out of provident fund have been made in accordance with the provisions of section 218 of the Companies Act, 2017 and conditions     Short term borrowings                          555,942        269,986
                   specified thereunder.                                                                                                       Long term financing                                                     315,730        153,931
                                                                                                                                             Interest on workers' profit participation fund            27.3             21,425          7,403
              35.4  Auditors' remuneration                                                                                                   Lease finance charges                                                        14             129
                                                                                                                                             Bank charges and commission                                               106,149         67,507
                Annual audit fee                                                          1,950          1,376                                                                                                         999,260        498,956
                Other certification                                                         400            260
                Half yearly review                                                          500             -                             39.   GAIN FROM CHANGES IN FAIR VALUE LESS COSTS TO SELL OF BIOLOGICAL ASSETS
                Out of pocket expenses                                                      150            150
                                                                                          3,000          1,786                               Gain from changes in fair value less costs to sell of biological assets        -           9,245
                                                                                                                                          40.   TAXATION
                                                                                                                                             Current                                                   40.1            226,260        132,737
               Exchange loss - net                                                        15,272         12,801                              Prior years                                                                    -           6,599
               Loss on disposal of biological assets                                         -           25,871                              Deferred
               Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment         8.1.1            47,553         39,145                                 Origination and reversal of temporary differences                           -          16,102
               Loss on disposal of subsidiary                                                -          147,065                                 Impact of change in tax rate                                                -          (2,190)
               Charity and donations                                     36.1            350,176        104,847                                                                                                             -          13,912
               Workers' profit participation fund                        27.3            285,315        215,040
               Loss on mutual funds measured at fair value through profit or loss   36.2   15,886        58,257                                                                                                        226,260        153,248
                                                                                         714,202        603,026                             40.1  The Company is chargeable to tax under section 154 and 169 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and no temporary differences are expected to arise
                                                                                                                                                 in the foreseeable future. Therefore, provision for deferred tax is not required. Reconciliation of tax expense and product of accounting profit multiplied
              36.1  Charity and donations                                                                                                        by the applicable tax rate is also not required in view of presumptive taxation.
              Donations include the following in which a director or his spouse has an interest;
                                                                                                                                            40.2  Section 5A of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 imposes tax at the rate of 5% on every public company other than a scheduled bank or Modaraba, that
                                                                                                                                                 derives profits for a tax year but does not distribute at least 20% of accounting profit through cash dividend within six months of the end of said tax year.
            Name of Donee                   Interest in Donee  Name of Director
                                                                                                                                                 The Company has distributed sufficient cash dividend, for the year ended June 30, 2018, which complies with the above stated requirements. Accord-
                                                                                                                                                 ingly, no provision for tax on undistributed profits has been recognized in the financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2019.
             Interloop Welfare Trust           Trustees  Mr. Navid Fazal                  99,223         21,766
                                                        Mr. Musadaq Zulqarnain
                                                        Mrs. Sheren Aftab                                                                                                                                                                        2018 - 19
                                                        Mr. Jahanzeb Khan Banth
       Interloop Limited                                Mr. Muhammad Maqsood                                                                                                                                                                     Annual Report

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