Page 241 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
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has been allowed in electronic format through email.  x. Requirement of Companies   xiii. Withholding Tax On Dividend  xv.  Details of Beneficial Ownership
 SECP through its SRO.470(I)/2016 dated May 31, 2016 have   (Postal Ballot) Regulations 2018  Government  of Pakistan through Finance Act, 2019,  has   Attention of corporate entities / legal persons is also invited
 allowed companies to circulate their annual balance sheet,   Pursuant to  Companies  (Postal Ballot) Regulations 2018,   made certain amendments in withholding tax provision by   towards SECP Circular No. 16 and 20 of 2018. Respective
 profit and loss account, auditor’s report and directors’ report   for any other agenda item subject to the requirements of   substituting  the definition of “Filers” with “Active Taxpayer   shareholders (corporate entities / legal persons) are advised
 to its members through CD/DVD/USB  at their  registered   Sections 143 and 144 of the Companies Act 2017, members   List” (ATL), whereby the company is required to collect tax   to provide the information pertaining to ultimate beneficial
 addresses. In view of the above the Company has sent its   present in person, through video-link or by proxy, and having   on dividend under Section 150 of the Income Tax Ordinance,   owners and / or other information as prescribed in the subject
 Annual Report to the shareholders in the form of CD/DVD.   not less than one-tenth of the total voting power can also   2001 from the person not appearing in the ATL at the rates   SECP Circulars to the Share Registrar of the Company.
 Any Member can send request for printed copy of the Annual   demand a poll and exercise their right of vote through postal   specified  in the Ordinance as increased by 100%. These tax
 Report to  the Company on  standard  request form  placed   ballot, that is voting by post or through any electronic mode,   rates are as under:  xvi. Zakat Declaration (CZ-50)
 under the Investor Information section on its website:  in accordance with requirements and procedure contained   (a) For persons appearing in Active Taxpayer List 15.0%  Zakat will be deducted from  the dividends at source  at  in the aforesaid regulations.  (b) For persons not appearing in Active Taxpayer List 30.0%  the rate of 2.5% of the paid-up value of the share (Rs. 10
 announcements//                                                  each) and will be deposited within the  prescribed period
 xi. Payment of Cash Dividend   Shareholders who are flers, are advised to make sure that   with the relevant authority. In case of claiming exemption,
 viii. Placement of Financial   Electronically (E-Dividend   their names are entered into latest ATL provided on the   please submit your Zakat Declaration under Zakat and
               website of FBR at the time of dividend payment, otherwise
                                                                  Ushr Ordinance, 1980  and Rule 4 of Zakat (Deduction and
 Statements on Website  Mechanism)  they shall be treated as person not appearing in ATL and tax   Refund) Rules, 1981, CZ-50 Form with our Share Registrar.
 The Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended   As per provision  of Section 242  of Companies Act, 2017   on their cash dividend will be deducted at the rate of 30%   Physical shareholders are  requested  to submit the  said
 June 30, 2019 along with reports have been placed on the   any dividend payable in cash shall only be  paid through   instead of 15%.  declaration to our Share Registrar in the  proper manner.
 website of the Company:  electronic mode directly into the bank account designated by   The Shareholders must write Interloop Limited’s name and
                                                                  their respective  CDS  A/C # or Folio numbers on Zakat  the entitled shareholders and SECP vide S.R.O.1145(I)/2017   xiv. For Joint Shareholders  Declarations at relevant place.
 uploads/2019/09/ANNUAL-AUDITED-FINANCIAL-  (as amended) directed all shareholders to provide their valid   For shareholders holding their  shares jointly  as per  the
 STATEMENTS-AND-REPORT-2019.pdf  International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN) to receive cash   clarifcation  issued by the Federal Board  of Revenue,
 dividend electronically.  withholding tax will be determined separately as per status
 ix. Consent for Video Conference   The shareholders are hereby advised to provide details of   of their names appearing in the ATL for principal shareholder
 Facility  their bank mandate specifying: (i) Title of Account, (ii) IBAN,   as well as joint-holder(s) based on their shareholding
               proportions.  Therefore, all shareholders  who hold shares
 (iii) Bank Name, (iv) Branch Name and Address  to the
 Pursuant to Section 132(2)  & section 134(b)  of the   Company’s Share Registrar, shareholders who hold shares   jointly are required to provide shareholding proportions of
 Companies Act,  2017,  if company receives consent   with Participants/CDC are advised to provide the mandate   principal shareholder and joint-holder(s) in respect of shares
 form from  shareholders holding  aggregate 10% or more   to the concerned Broker/Participant/CDC Investor account   held by them to our Share Registrar in writing as follows:
 shareholding residing at geographical location to participate   services.
 in the meeting through video conference at least 7 days   Interloop Limited
 prior to the date of meeting, the company will arrange video   The form for providing such information  has been made
 conference facility in that city subject to availability of such   available  under the Investor Information  section  at   Principal   Joint Shareholder
 facility in that city. To avail this facility please provide following   Company’s website  Shareholder
 information and submit to registered office of the Company:
 forms-notices-announcements/         Shareholding     Shareholing
                Folio/CDC       Name             Name
 I/We,  __________________________________  of  Account   Total   and   Proportion  and   Proportion
 _________________, being a member of Interloop   xii. Unclaimed Dividends  #  Shares  CNIC  (Number. of   CNIC  (Number. of
 Limited, holder of __________________________ ordinary   As per the  provision of section 244 of the  Companies   Shares)  Shares)
 share(s)  as  per Registered Folio/CDC Account  No.   Act, 2017, any shares issued or dividend declared by the
 ______________________ hereby opt for video conference   Company which have remained unclaimed/unpaid  for a
 facility at ____________________________.
 period of three years from the date on which it was due and
 payable are required to be deposited with the Commission
 for the credit of Federal Government after issuance of notices
 to the shareholders to file their claim.
 Signature of Member
 Shareholders are requested to ensure that their claims for
 unclaimed dividend and shares are lodged timely. In case,
 no claim is lodged with the Company in the given time, the
 Company shall proceed to deposit the  unclaimed/unpaid
 Interloop Limited  to the provision of Section 244 (2) of Companies Act, 2017.                                       Annual Report  2018-19
 amount and shares with the Federal Government pursuant

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