Page 238 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
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            Notice is hereby given that the 27th Annual General Meeting of   procedural formalities and to do all necessary acts, deeds   attached with the proxy form. Representatives of corporate   iv. Notify The Changes in Addresses
            the members of Interloop Limited (“Company”) is scheduled   and things in connection therewith and ancillary thereto as       members should bring the  usual documents required for
            to be held on Monday, October 14th, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at   may be required or expedient to give effect to the spirit and     such purpose.                                      of Shareholders
            Serena Hotel, Club Road, Civil Lines, Faisalabad, to   intent of the above resolution and filings with SECP along
            transact the following business:                   with all requisite documents, affidavits, statements etc. for              CDC  Account Holders will also have to follow the under   The shareholders of the Company are requested to notify
                                                               recording of the alterations of Articles of Association .”                 mentioned guidelines as laid down in Circular 1 dated   changes in their mailing addresses  (if any), to our share
                                                                                                                                                                                             registrar/transfer agent.
            Ordinary Business                                  Other Business                                                             January 26, 2000 issued by  the  Securities  and Exchange
                                                                                                                                          Commission of Pakistan (SECP):
            1   To confirm  the minutes of the Extra Ordinary General                                                                                                                        v. CNIC / NTN number on Electronic
               Meeting held on March 5, 2019.                  6  To transact any other business with the permission of                   a)  For Attending AGM                                 Dividend (Mandatory)
                                                                  the Chair.                                                                 •   In case of individuals,  the account  holder or sub-
            2  To receive, consider and adopt audited accounts of the                                                                           account holder and / or the person whose securities   a   As per SRO 831 (1) / 2012 dated July 05, 2012 and
               Company for  the year ended June 30,  2019  together   BY ORDER OF THE BOARD                                                     are in group account and their registration details are   other relevant rules the electronic Dividend should
               with the Chairman’s  Review Report,  Directors’  and                                                                             uploaded as per the regulations, shall authenticate   also  bear the CNIC Number of  the registered
               Auditors’ Report thereon.                                                                                                        identity by showing his / her original Computerized   shareholder  or  the authorized person,  except in
                                                                                                                                                National Identity Card (CNIC) or original passport at   case of minor[s] and corporate shareholder[s].
            3  To approve Final Cash Dividend @ 17.5%  [i.e. Rs.                                                                                the time of attending the Meeting.
               1.75/share  for  the year ended June 30,  2019  as   (Rana Ali Raza)      Faisalabad:                                                                                            b   As per Regulation no. 4 & 6 of SRO 1145 (1)/2017
               recommended by the Board of Directors.          Company Secretary         Date: September 23, 2019                            •   Members registered on CDC are also requested to    dated November 2017,  the Company shall  be
                                                                                                                                                bring their  particulars,  I.D. numbers and account   constrained  to withhold the payment of Dividend
            4  To appoint  auditors  for  the year ending June 30,                                                                              numbers in CDS.                                     to the shareholders,  in case of non-availability
               2020  and fix their remuneration. The retiring Auditors   Notes                                                                                                                      of identification  number (CNIC  or National  Tax
               M/s Kreston Hyder  Bhimji  & Company, Chartered                                                                               •   In case of corporate entity, the Board of Directors’   Number) of the shareholder or authorized person.
               Accountants, being eligible have offered themselves for   i. Closure of Share Transfer Books                                     resolution  / power of  attorney with specimen
               reappointment.                                                                                                                   signature of the nominee shall be produced (unless   c  Accordingly, the shareholders,  who have not yet
                                                               The Share Transfer Books of the Company shall remain                             it has been provided earlier) at the time of the    submitted copy of their valid CNIC or NTN are once
            Special Business                                   closed from 07th October 2019 to 14th October 2019 (both                         meeting.                                            again requested to immediately submit the same
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to the Share Registrar.
                                                               days inclusive). Transfer received  in order at our Share
            5  To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without   Registrar/Transfer agent, CDC  Share  Registrar Services
               modification(s), the  following resolution as  special   Limited (CDCSRSL), CDC House, 99-B,  S.M.C.H. Society,            b) For Appointing Proxy                            vi. Transmission of Audited Financial
               resolution, as circulated to the members of the Company   Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 74400,  at the  close of             •   In case of individuals,  the account  holder or sub-
               along with the notice of this AGM and initialed by the   business on Friday, October 04th, 2019 will be considered in            account holder and / or the person whose securities   Statements / Notices Through
               Company Secretary  for the  purpose of identification,   time for the purpose of above entitlement to the transferees.           are in group account and their registration detail is   Email
               in substitution  of and to the exclusion of the existing                                                                         uploaded as per the  regulations, shall submit the
               Articles of Association of the Company.                                                                                          proxy form as per the above requirement.     Members are hereby informed that pursuant to SECP SRO
                                                               ii.  Participation in Annual General                                                                                          787(1)/2014 dated September 8, 2014, and under section
            The text of this special resolution is as under:                                                                                 •   The proxy form  shall  be witnessed  by the person   223(6) of the  Companies Act 2017,  circulation of Audited
                                                                  Meeting                                                                       whose name, address and CNIC number shall be   Financial Statements and Notice of Annual General Meeting
            “Resolved That                                     A member entitled to attend, speak and vote at this Annual                       mentioned on the form.                       has been allowed in electronic format through email.
                                                               General Meeting shall be entitled to appoint another
            the existing Articles of Association of the Company be and   member, as a proxy to attend and vote on his / her behalf.          •   Attested copies of CNIC of the beneficial owners   In compliance with the above requirements, members who
            are hereby altered and be replaced with a new set of Articles   The instrument appointing Proxy must be received at the             and the proxy shall be furnished with the proxy form.   wish to receive the Annual Report 2019 in electronic form
            of Association of the Company.”                    Registered Office or Share Registrar of the Company not                                                                       may file an application  as per the form provided on the
                                                               less than 48 hours before the time of the meeting. For the                    •   The proxy shall produce his / her original CNIC or   Company’s website in compliance  with the subject SRO.
            “Resolved Further That                             convenience of the members a Proxy Application Form is                           original passport at the time of meeting.    The members who have provided consent to receive Annual
                                                               dispatched with the Notice of the Meeting.                                                                                    Report 2019 can subsequently request any other media
            any changes,  as  may be required by the Securities and                                                                          •   In case of corporate entity, the Board of Directors’   including  hard copy which shall be provided free of cost
            Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), in the new set                                                                              resolution  / power of  attorney with specimen   within seven days.
            of Articles shall be treated as approved and adopted by the   iii. Further Guidelines for CDC                                       signature shall be  submitted (unless it has been
            shareholders and the same shall have effect from the date of                                                                        provided earlier) along with proxy form to the    vii. Transmission of Annual Financial
            passing of this special resolution.”                  Account Holders                                                               Company.                                         Statements Through CD/DVD/
            “Resolved Further That                             Any Individual Beneficial Owner of CDC, entitled to vote at                                                                       USB
                                                               this Meeting, must bring his / her original  Computerized
       Interloop Limited  The Chief Executive Officer or the Company Secretary be and   National Identity Card (CNIC) to prove identity, and in case                                         Members are hereby informed that pursuant to SECP SRO   Annual Report  2018-19
            are hereby authorized singly to fulfill all legal, corporate and
                                                               of proxy, a copy of shareholder’s  attested CNIC must be
                                                                                                                                                                                             787(1)/2014 dated September 8, 2014, and under section
                                                                                                                                                                                             223(6) of the  Companies Act 2017,  circulation of Audited
                                                                                                                                                                                             Financial Statements and Notice of Annual General Meeting
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