Page 243 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 243


 134 (3) of the Companies Act, 2017

 This statement sets out the material facts pertaining to the   existing Articles of the Company and its replacement with a
 special business, being Items on the notice, intended to be   new set of Articles of Association, to bring it in line with the
 transacted at the annual general meeting of the Company to   provisions of the Companies Act, 2017 and other applicable
 be held on October 14, 2019.  regulations.

 Explanation on Item # 5  A copy of new set of Articles of Association is being circulated
 to members with the notice of Annual General Meeting.
 The Companies Act,  2017  has  replaced the Companies
 Ordinance, 1984 and it is desirable to amend the Articles   The new set of Articles of Association have been kept at the
 of Association  of the  Company  to reflect the  provisions   Registered Office of the Company and may be inspected
 and sections of the new Companies Act, 2017.  Also,  the   by members on working days during usual business hours
 Company has now become listed and it requires to add few   from Monday to Friday (9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.) from the date
 additional clauses relevant in the context of a listed entity.   of issuance/publication of this notice till the date of general
 As the amendments have been numerous, it is proposed to   meeting.
 adopt the revised revision as a whole in substitution of the
 existing Articles of Association.  The Directors of the  Company  have  no direct or indirect
 interest  in the  special resolution proposing alterations
 The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held   in the Articles of Association, except to the extent of their
 on September 23, 2019, has recommended alteration in the   shareholding  in the Company.

 Interloop Limited                                                                                                    Annual Report  2018-19

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