Page 12 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 12


            Interloop Limited conducts its business with the highest   employees, customers, suppliers, stakeholders,
            ethical standards and in full compliance with all applicable   and the government have complete faith in the way
            laws of the country. Honesty and integrity take precedence   we operate. It establishes the fact that our business
            in all relationships including those with customers, suppliers,   decisions are ethical and in the best interests of the
            employees, and other stakeholders.                      Company
                                                                •   Over the years, Interloop has developed a robust
            Ethics and Business Practices                           organizational culture based on the strong foundation
                                                                    of the Company’s Mission and Values i.e. Integrity,
              •   We conduct the Company’s business in an           Care, Accountability, Respect & Excellence
                 environmentally responsible and sustainable manner   •   Interloop has developed the Uniform Behaviors
                 and provide employees with a safe and healthy      Manual; a handbook outlining essential behaviours
                 workplace                                          expected of our employees while doing business,
              •   All employees are expected to understand the      to replicate the healthy organizational culture across
                 permits, health, safety & environment policy, local   rapidly growing multiple business categories
                 laws, and business regulations related to their work
                 and fully comply so that our shareholders, other

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