Page 17 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 17

Established Interloop
                                               North America; an
                                               affiliate and exclusive
                                               North American
                                               representative of                                  Established IL Bangla
                                               Interloop Limited                                  Limited, Bangladesh;
                                               to provide trend                                   a vertically integrated
                  2006                         analysis, design &    2009                         Hosiery Plant with
                                               product development,                               current monthly
                                               sales, marketing,                                  production capacity
                                               warehousing & logistic                             of 2.5 million pairs of
                                               services                                           socks

                      Established                                        Created business
                      vertically integrated                              alliance with Euro Sox
                      Hosiery Plant 2 at                                 Plus, Netherlands
                      IIP, Faisalabad with                               to provide sales,
                      current monthly       2007                         marketing, market
                      production capacity                                intelligence, design,   2010
                      of 18.5 million pairs                              logistics, warehousing
                      of socks                                           and distribution
                                                                         services to customers
                      Established Yarn                                   in Europe & UK
                      Dyeing Division          Commissioned Region’s
                      at IIP, Faisalabad       First LEED Gold Certified
                                               Socks manufacturing facility
                      with current dyeing      (Plant 4) at IIP, Faisalabad
                      capacity of 405,000      with current monthly
                      kgs per month            production capacity of 7.5
                                               million pairs of socks
                                               Interloop Limited was
                                               demerged in order to
                                               separate non-textile
                                               business into a separate
                                               Holding Company &
                                               Interloop Limited looking
                                               after the textile business,
                  2017                         with approval of LHC  2019
                                               Established IL Apparel
                                               (Pvt.) Limited; a subsidiary,
                                               looking after the Knitwear
                                               Apparel business

                      Expanded Hosiery                                   Established Interloop Denim Apparel
                      Manufacturing footprint to                         manufacturing plant at Lahore, designed
                      Sri Lanka through affiliation                      as per LEED Platinum Standards. The Plant
                      with Texlan Center (Pvt.)                          commenced commercial operations in Dec
                      Ltd. with current monthly   2018                   2019 with current production capacity of
                      production capacity of 3.10
                      million pairs of socks                             500,000 pcs per month and planned capacity
                                                                         of 1 million pcs per month by 2021
                      Set-up a dedicated Tights
                      & Leggings Production Unit                         Established Hosiery Plant 5 pilot project at
                      at Plant 1, Faisalabad with                        Faisalabad with current monthly production
                      monthly production capacity                        capacity of 2.5 million pairs
                      of 0.45 million pieces
                      Constructed the New                                Held the largest private sector IPO in Pakistan’s
                      Distribution Center at IIP,                        history and listed at Pakistan Stock Exchange
                      Faisalabad with storage                            (PSX) as the Largest Textile Company by
                      capacity of around 26.4                            Market Capitalization
                      million pairs of socks
                                                                         Installed 2.0 MW Grid Tied Solar Power
                      15.4 MW Interloop Power                            Generation System at Hosiery Plant 4 &
                      Plant based on Tri-Fuel
                      Engines was setup at IIP,                          Spinning, IIP; a renewable energy venture
                      Faisalabad to cater to energy                      focused at reducing around 1500 tons of
                      requirements of existing                           Carbon Emissions annually
                      facilities and new extensions

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