Page 240 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 240



            For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                                                      2020           2019
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

                   Operating fixed assets                               9.1          22,569,771     17,644,588
                   Capital work–in–progress                             9.2             739,767      1,254,704
                   Right of use assets                                  9.3             202,978            –
                                                                                     23,512,516     18,899,292

                   9.1    Operating fixed assets

                                                     Cost                      Depreciation       W.D.V
                                Description   As On          As On    As On     For the    Trial   As on    As on     Rate
                                           July 1,   Additions  Deletions  June 30,   July 1,   year   Production   Adjustments   June 30,   June 30,   %
                                           2019               2020  2019       Capitalization   2020  2020
                                                                        (Rupees ‘000)
                          Freehold land    1,801,159     142,632    –     1,943,791    –     –     –     –     –       1,943,791    –
                          Buildings on freehold land    5,291,338    2,090,485    –     7,381,823    2,092,994     443,785     664    –     2,537,443    4,844,380    10
                          Plant and machinery    17,197,613    3,463,615     (66,488)   20,594,740    7,029,363    1,188,238     8,388     (50,647)   8,175,342    12,419,398    10
                          Tools and  equipments    1,031,730     328,951     (1,377)   1,359,304     390,086     82,529     398     (723)    472,290     887,014    10
                          Office equipments    430,629     116,830     (13,027)    534,432     216,901     55,876    –     (10,489)    262,288     272,144    20
                          Electric installations    1,469,095     578,603     (502)   2,047,196     522,558     125,906     204     (69)    648,599    1,398,597    10
                          Furniture and fixtures    405,703     91,072     (51)    496,724     147,091     30,946     13     (27)    178,023     318,701    10
                          Vehicles          610,035     221,541     (97,742)    733,834     193,721     107,079    –      (52,712)    248,088     485,746    20
                          Total           28,237,302    7,033,729     (179,187)   35,091,844    10,592,714    2,034,359     9,667     (114,667)   12,522,073    22,569,771

                                                     Cost                      Depreciation       W.D.V
                                Description   As On          As On    As On     For the    Trial   As on    As on     Rate
                                           July 1,   Additions  Deletions  June 30,   July 1,   year   Production   Adjustments   June 30,   June 30,   %
                                           2018               2019  2018       Capitalization   2019  2019
                                                                        (Rupees ‘000)
                          Freehold land     929,470     871,689    –    1,801,159    –     –      –     –     –       1,801,159    –
                          Buildings on freehold land    4,730,350     578,239     (17,251)   5,291,338    1,768,810     331,085     273     (7,174)   2,092,994    3,198,344    10
                          Plant and machinery    15,337,893    2,158,422     (298,702)   17,197,613    6,209,372    1,009,899     3,395     (193,303)   7,029,363    10,168,250    10
                          Tools and  equipments    853,507     185,194     (6,971)   1,031,730     332,256     61,223     175     (3,568)    390,086     641,644    10
                          Office equipments    363,401     76,918     (9,690)    430,629     176,388     45,653     173     (5,313)    216,901     213,728    20
                          Electric installations    1,314,055     155,075     (35)   1,469,095     426,792     95,518     268     (20)    522,558     946,537    10
                          Furniture and fixtures    313,807     95,786     (3,890)    405,703     123,857     25,466     38     (2,270)    147,091     258,612    10
                          Vehicles          520,799     209,123     (119,887)    610,035     172,608     84,131     –       (63,018)    193,721     416,314    20
                          Sub total        24,363,282    4,330,446     (456,426)   28,237,302    9,210,083    1,652,975     4,322     (274,666)   10,592,714    17,644,588
                          Vehicles           2,439    –      (2,439)   –      1,273     78    –       (1,351)   –     –       20
                          Sub total          2,439    –    (2,439)   –     1,273     78    –    (1,351)   –     –
                          Total            24,365,721    4,330,446     (458,865)   28,237,302    9,211,356    1,653,053     4,322     (276,017)   10,592,714    17,644,588

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