Page 245 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 245



               For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                                                          2020          2019
                                                                           Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

               12.     LONG TERM LOANS
                       Considered good – Secured
                       Loans to employees                                   12.1            96,233         43,112
                       Loan to director                                     12.2            23,465         30,150
                                                                                           119,698         73,262

                       12.1   Loans to employees
                              Opening balance                                               96,795        108,496
                              Add: disbursement made during the year      12.1.1           120,021         78,870
                                                                                           216,816        187,366
                              Less: amount received during the year                         (74,095)      (90,571)
                                                                                           142,721         96,795
                              Less: receivable within twelve months                         (46,488)      (53,683)
                                                                                            96,233         43,112

                       12.1.1  These loans are given to employees as per approved policy of the Company and are secured against
                              employees retirement benefits.
                                                                                          2020          2019
                                                                           Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                       12.2   Loan to director
                              Opening balance                                               33,250             –
                              Add: disbursement made during the year      12.2.1                –          33,250
                                                                                            33,250         33,250
                              Less: amount received during the year                          (3,696)           –
                                                                                            29,554         33,250
                              Less: receivable within twelve months                          (6,090)       (3,100)
                                                                                            23,465         30,150

                       12.2.1  This represents loan paid to the directors as per house building finance policy. Under the policy, home
                              ownership grant of Rs. 2.5 million and mortgage assistance of Rs. 30.75 million is disbursed during the year.
                              Tenure of both the home ownership grant and mortgage assistance is for a period of six years. Mortgage
                              assistance is repayable in 60 equal monthly installments along with mark up thereon.

                                                                                          2020          2019
                                                                                       (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

               13.     LONG TERM DEPOSITS
                       Considered good:
                       Security deposits - unsecured                                        43,987         33,120

               14.     STORES AND SPARES
                       Stores                                                              318,202        235,586
                       Spares                                                              752,738        654,818
                                                                                          1,070,940       890,404

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