Page 244 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 244



            For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                                                       2020          2019
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

            10.    INTANGIBLE ASSET
                   Computer Software                                   10.1              71,022        70,083
                   Development cost – in progress                                       104,791            –
                                                                                        175,813        70,083
                   10.1    Computer Software
                          Opening balance                                               135,050        98,196
                          Addition during the year                                       16,765        36,854
                                                                                        151,815       135,050
                          Opening balance                                                64,967        55,785
                          For the year amortization                    10.1.1            15,826         9,182
                                                                                         80,793        64,967
                          Net book value                                                 71,022        70,083

                          Amortization rate                                               20%            20%

                   10.1.1  Amortization expense relating to intangible assets of Rs. 5,577 thousand (2019: Nil) has been charged in
                          ‘Cost of sales’ and Rs. 10,249 thousand (2019: 9,182 thousand) in ‘Administrative expenses’.

                                                                                       2020          2019
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
            11.    LONG TERM INVESTMENT
                   Un–quoted associate – at equity method
                   IL Bangla Limited                                    11.1                 –         93,540
                   Others – amortized cost
                   Term finance certificates – TFCs                     11.2            500,000            –
                                                                                        500,000        93,540

                   11.1   Investment in associated company –
                             under equity method
                          Opening balance                                                93,540       115,456
                          Share of loss for the year                                   (119,964)       (58,485)
                          Exchange gain                                                  26,424        36,569
                                                                                        (93,540)       (21,916)
                          Closing balance                                                    –         93,540

                   11.2   Term finance certificates - TFCs
                          This represent investment as fully paid–up, rated, privately placed, perpetual, unsecured, subordinated,
                          noncumulative, contingent convertible, additional Tire 1, capital eligible 5,000 term finance certificates
                          (TFCs) of Habib Bank Limited having face value of Rs.100,000/– each aggregating to Rs. 500 million (2019:
                          Nil). TFCs carry markup at the rate of 3 months KIBOR+ 1.60% per annum payable quarterly in arrears.

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