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9. Zakat Declaration (CZ-50):
Zakat will be deducted from the dividends at source at the rate of 2.5% of the paid-up value of the share (Rs. 10
each) and will be deposited within the prescribed period with the relevant authority. In case of claiming exemption,
please submit your Zakat Declaration under Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980 and Rule 4 of Zakat (Deduction and
Refund) Rules, 1981, CZ-50 Form with our Share Registrar. Physical Shareholders are requested to submit the said
declaration to our Share Registrar in the proper manner. The Shareholders must write Interloop Limited’s name and
their respective CDS A/C # or Folio numbers on Zakat Declarations at relevant place.
10. Postal Ballot:
i. Pursuant to the Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations, 2018 for the purpose of election of directors and for any
other agenda item, the members will be allowed to exercise their right of vote through postal ballot that is voting
by post or through any electronic mode, in accordance with the requirements and procedure contained in the
aforesaid Regulations.
ii. If the number of persons who offer themselves to be elected is more than the number of directors fixed under
Section l59(1) of the Companies Act, 2017, then the Company shall provide its members with the option of voting
by postal ballot in accordance with the provisions of the Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations, 2018.
11. Deposit of Physical Shares into CDC Accounts:
As per Section 72 of the Companies Act, 2017 every existing company shall be required to replace its physical shares
with book-entry form in a manner as may be specified and from the date notified by the Commission, within a period
not exceeding four years from the commencement of the Companies Act, 2017 i.e. May 31, 2017.
The shareholder having physical shareholding may open CDC sub-account with any of the brokers or investor’s
account directly with the CDC to place their physical shares into scrip-less form. This will facilitate them in many ways
including safe custody and sale of shares, anytime they want as the trading of physical shares is not permitted as per
existing Regulations of the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited.
12. Transmission of Audited Financial Statements / Notices Through Email:
Members are hereby informed that pursuant to SECP SRO 787(1)/2014 dated September 8, 2014, and under section
223(6) of the Companies Act 2017, circulation of Audited Financial Statements and Notice of Annual General Meeting
has been allowed in electronic format through email.
In compliance with the above requirements, members who wish to receive the Annual Report 2020 in electronic form
may file an application as per the form provided on the Company’s website in compliance with the subject SRO. The
members who have provided consent to receive Annual Report 2020 can subsequently request any other media
including hard copy which shall be provided free of cost within seven days.
13. Transmission of Annual Financial Statements Through CD/DVD/USB:
SECP through its SRO 470 (I)/2016 dated May 31, 2016 have allowed companies to circulate their Annual Balance
Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Auditor’s Report and Directors’ Report to its members through CD/DVD/USB at their
registered addresses. In view of the above, the Company has sent its Annual Report to the Shareholders in the form
of CD/DVD along with the annexures comprising amended ESOS as Annexure A and amendments in the Articles
of Association of the Company with track changes Annexure B, for the information of the members. Any Member
can send request for printed copy of the Annual Report to the Company on standard request form placed under the
Investor Information section on its website