Page 290 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
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            THE COMPANY
            The alteration of/amendments in Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company are being carried out in order to
            eliminate the other Class of shares (“Non-Voting Ordinary Shares”). The following alteration of/amendment in “Clause V” of
            the Memorandum of Association of the Company has been recommended by the Board for adoption in the Annual General

              Sr.   Existing                                     Proposed Amended
              No.  Provision of Memorandum                       Provision of Memorandum
                   V. The Authorized Capital of the Company is Rs.  V. The Authorized Capital of the Company is Rs.
                   10,000,000,000/- (Rupees Ten Billion only) divided into  10,000,000,000/- (Rupees Ten Billion only) divided into
                   965,000,000 (Nine Hundred Sixty Five Million) Ordinary  1,000,000,000 (one billion) Ordinary Shares of Rs.10/-
                   Shares of Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten) each and 35,000,000  (Rupees Ten) each, with attached thereto respectively
                   (Thirty  Five Million)  Non-Voting Ordinary  Shares  of  such preferential, deferred, qualified or special rights,
                   Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten) each, with attached thereto  privileges and conditions as provided in the Articles of
                   respectively such preferential, deferred, qualified or  Association of the Company, or in accordance with the
                   special rights, privileges and conditions as provided  Companies Act, 2017, and to vary, modify or abrogate
               i   in the Articles of Association of the Company, or in  such rights, privileges and conditions, in such manner
                   accordance with the Companies Ordinance, 1984, and  as may be permitted by the Companies Act, 2017 and to
                   to vary, modify or abrogate such rights, privileges and  increase and/or reduce the capital and to divide shares
                   conditions, in such manner as may be permitted by  in the capital into several kinds and classes and to
                   the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and to increase and/ consolidate or subdivide the shares and to issue shares
                   or reduce the capital and to divide shares in the capital  for higher or lower denominations.
                   into several kinds and classes and to consolidate or  (Altered)
                   subdivide the shares and to issue shares for higher or
                   lower denominations.

            A copy of the amendments in the Articles of Association of the Company with track changes, bearing the initials of the Company
            Secretary for the purpose of identification, is being annexed as “Annexure B” which is included in the CD/DVD with the notice of
            Annual General Meeting for the information of the members which have also been kept at the Registered Office of the Company
            and may be inspected by members on working days during usual business hours from Monday to Friday (9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.)
            from the date of issuance/publication of this notice till the date of General Meeting.

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