Page 129 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 129



            For the year ended June 30, 2021

                   25.2   The future minimum lease payments to which the Company is committed under the agreements will be
                          due as follows:

                                                             Not later    Later than one   More than   Total
                                                             than one    year and but   three years
                                                               year       later than
                                                                         three years
                                                                              (Rupees ‘000)

                          At June 30, 2021
                          Future minimum lease payments         87,048      145,271       25,498      257,817
                          Less: Un-amortized finance charges    (19,973)     (16,818)       (982)     (37,773)
                          Present value of future minimum
                             lease payments                     67,075      128,453       24,516      220,044

                          At June 30, 2020
                          Future minimum lease payments         30,814      104,899       21,120      156,833
                          Less: Un-amortized finance charges    (13,278)     (23,118)       (744)     (37,139)
                          Present value of future minimum
                             lease payments                     17,536       81,781       20,376      119,694

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
            26.    DEFERRED LIABILITIES
                   Staff retirement gratuity                           26.1           3,810,946     3,126,168
                   Deferred income - Government grant                  26.2              5,055         14,514
                                                                                      3,816,001     3,140,682
                   26.1   General description
                          This represents an unfunded gratuity scheme which provides termination benefits for all employees of
                          the Company who attain the minimum qualifying period. The latest actuarial valuation of the defined
                          benefit plan was carried out as at June 30, 2021 using the Projected Unit Credit (PUC) Actuarial Cost
                          Method. Details of the defined benefit plan are as follows:

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                   26.1.1  Movement in the present value of
                            defined benefit obligation
                          Opening balance                                             3,126,168     2,482,623
                          Expenses recognized in the statement
                            of profit or loss                         26.1.2           857,791        783,277
                          Remeasurement of plan obligation
                            chargeable to other comprehensive income   26.1.4           71,653         (2,715)
                          Balance transferred to Interloop Holdings
                            (Pvt) Limited                                                (6,699)      (17,086)
                          Transfer upon amalgamation                                    43,500             –
                          Balance capitalized to denim division                             –           3,000
                          Paid during the year                                         (281,467)     (122,931)
                          Closing balance                                             3,810,946     3,126,168

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