Page 131 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 131



            For the year ended June 30, 2021

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                                   (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                          Discount rate + 100 bps                                    (3,409,319)    (2,792,109)
                          Discount rate - 100 bps                                     4,293,648     3,529,169
                          Salary change + 100 bps                                     4,299,249     3,535,318
                          Salary change - 100 bps                                    (3,396,937)    (2,780,665)

                          The sensitivity analysis of the defined benefit obligation to the significant actuarial assumptions has been
                          performed using the same calculation techniques as applied for calculation of defined benefit obligation
                          reported in the statement of financial position.

                   26.1.8  The average duration of defined benefit obligation for the year ended 2021 is 12 years (2020: 12 years).

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

                   26.2   Movement in deferred income is as follows;
                          Opening balance                                               39,083             –
                          Government grant recognized                                   70,919         42,091
                          Transfer upon amalgamation                                    10,778             –
                          For the year amortization                                     (70,582)       (3,008)
                                                                                        50,198         39,083
                          Current portion of deferred income            30              (45,143)      (24,568)
                          Closing balance                                                5,055         14,515

                   26.2.1  There are no unfulfilled conditions or other contingencies attaching to these grants.

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

            27.    TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES
                   Creditors                                           27.1           1,909,705       850,123
                   Accrued liabilities                                 27.2           2,727,736     1,722,530
                   Advances from customers                                              49,229         19,007
                   Other payables                                                      249,117        224,288
                   Employees provident fund trust                      27.3              3,898          3,013
                   Withholding tax payable                                              62,808         55,513
                   Workers’ profit participation fund                  27.4            365,241        113,577
                   Workers’ welfare fund                                               183,907         43,180
                                                                                      5,551,641     3,031,231

                   27.1   It includes payable to following related parties;
                          Interloop Holdings (Pvt) Limited                              30,100             –
                          Octans Digital (Pvt) Limited                                   2,299             –
                          PrintKraft (Pvt) Limited                                      16,532             –
                          Socks & Socks (Pvt) Limited                                       65             –
                          Momentum Logistics (Pvt) Limited                              27,443             –
                                                                                        76,439             –

                   27.2   It includes an amount of Rs. 326.259 million (2020: Rs. 262.691 million) relating to infrastructure cess
                          payable and Rs. 26.37 million (2020: Rs. 23.43 million) relating to associate company- Global Veneer
                          Trading Limited.

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