Page 51 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
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 (Baseline Year 2016)  Consumption of materials, energy   out for executive & non-executive   treatment and remediation while PKR
               use and wet processing in textile   employees in all manufacturing   5.3 million was spent on prevention
 Our sustainability targets FY 2016 – 2021 cover only Hosiery business being the main operational activity of Interloop.   industries are rapidly depleting natural   facilities. Interloop has devised   and management costs.
 However, due to expanding business functions, we have planned to set next 5 years’ targets for important environmental   resources while discharge of effluents,   internal training modules on different
 impact areas at organizational level, in order to effectively manage and reduce the environmental load of our operations.   emissions and wastes are adversely   environmental, health and safety issues   Interloop has in place an environmental
               affecting the environment. These   to equip the line staff with the latest   grievances management mechanism
 Water  Greenhouse  activities are not only causing climate   knowledge and skills.   where complaints about environmental
                                                                                  issues can be filed by the affected
 (Litres/kg of socks)  Gas Emissions  change but also increasing the cost of   Interloop is part of the global supply   parties. During our regular training
 15%  (kg CO  e/Dozen of socks)  doing business. In-line with Article 15   chain and realizes its responsibility to   and awareness sessions, employees
               of Rio Declaration, our environmental
 15%           management approach at Interloop   have in place policies, management   are encouraged to share ideas and
               is proactive; focusing on early impact   systems and targets for managing its   suggestions about environmental
               identification of environmental issues   environmental impact and reporting the   concerns, as we believe that these
                                                 performance considering our ethical
                                                                                  inputs play an integral role for continual
 Energy  Environmental  Sustainable  and taking appropriate measures to   commitments and global requirements.    improvement in the systems.  Various
               timely manage them. Irrespective of
 (kWh/Dozen of socks)  Impact Areas  Material  the costs involved, we are continuously   Interloop has defined environmental   platforms like Worker Management
 15%  (% of total yarn)  investing in new technologies for   targets for its Hosiery business which   Council (WMC), EHS Committee,
 25%           operational excellence and reduced   have resulted in reducing the relative   Focus Group Meetings, etc. are
               environmental impacts.            volume of water consumption, energy   available to discuss and generate
                                                 usage, air emissions, and effluent   solutions for any upcoming issues.
               Our environmental policy serves as a   waste. Our manufacturing facilities are   Additionally, the grievances can also
 Renewable Energy  Sustainability Specific  guiding document for all business units   certified against various management   be channelized through dedicated
                                                                                  Management Representative (MR)
 (MWp)         to manage the environmental impact   systems viz. ISO 9001:2015, ISO   deputed at each plant and through
 4 MWp  Certifications  of company’s operations and helps   14001:2015, OHSAS-18001:2015,   suggestion boxes installed at
                                                 ISO-50001, SA 8000, ISO-17025 and
               in complying with our commitments,
 Installed Solar Capacity
               applicable laws and customers’ Code   ISO-17043 helping in identification   prominent locations at each facility. The
               of Conduct. A dedicated corporate   of opportunities & risks and devising   Manager Health & Safety is responsible
               Sustainability Cell is responsible for   necessary measures for capitalization   for dealing with such complaints. The
 Waste Water   evaluating environmental sustainability   and management, respectively. The   complaints requiring new policies,
 ZDHC Compliance  initiatives, tracking impacts and   performance is regularly monitored   procedures and investments are
               setting targets. EHS representative at   through internal checks against targets   forwarded to Corporate EHS for review
               each plant is responsible for ensuring   and appropriate measures are taken   & appropriate actions. As a result
 Performance Till  FY 2019
               compliance for employees’ health &   if and where required. During the   of strong management systems, no
 UOM  FY 2019   FY 2018  FY 2017  FY 2016  safety, applicable local & international   reporting year, PKR 29.17 million was   non-compliance with the environmental
 Water  Litres/kg of socks  151  137  153  168  laws and customer requirements,   spent for environmental protection,   laws, regulations and customers’
 Energy  kWh/Dozen of socks  5.06  4.70  4.75  4.71  overseen by Corporate EHS. Regular   out of which PKR 23.86 million was   requirements occurred during the year.
 Greenhouse Gas Emissions*  kg CO e/Dozen of socks  1.88  1.95  1.69  1.89  internal & external trainings are carried   spent on waste disposal, emissions
 Sustainable Material  % of total yarn  40.85  34.66  32.82  25.35
 Renewable Energy**  MWp  0.13  0.12  0.12  0.12
 Wastewater  ZDHC foundational level compliance
 Sustainability Specific   2019: Cradle to Cradle (Gold) Certified Socks
 Certifications  2018: LEED GOLD Certified facility (Hosiery Plant - 4)
           ISO-50001 (Energy Management System certification for Hosiery Plant - 2 & 4)

 *Greenhouse Gas Emission values include scope I & scope II emissions
 **2.0 MWp Solar project is operational since August 2019                                     I PARK

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