Page 52 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
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            Material Sourcing and                                                                                                         Raw Material Consumption
            Consumption                                                                                                                    Material                            Unit               FY 2019          FY 2018         FY 2017
                                                                                                                                           Raw Material - Yarn                  kg              19,309,318       20,315,384      18,390,254
            Interloop Limited is a vertically                                                                                              Raw Material - Dyes and Chemicals    kg               9,810,602       13,520,679      14,610,396
            integrated setup. Considering yarns                                                                                            Packaging Material                   kg               3,829,999        4,380,589               -
            as priority raw material which is
            being produced by using natural and                                                                                           Of the total raw material at Interloop during FY 2019, 48.09% was renewable while 51.91% was non-renewable. The total raw
            synthetic fibers, we produce as well                                                                                          material comprises Yarns, Dyes & Chemicals and Packaging materials.
            as procure cotton yarns, synthetic
            yarns and regenerated & recycled
            yarns which are processed using dyes                                                                                           Recycled Input Material                     FY 2019               FY 2018               FY 2017
            and chemicals to produce socks and                                                                                             Percentage of recycled input                  4.52%                 5.56%                 5.62%
            tights. At Interloop, we are focused on                                                                                        materials used
            increasing the quantity of sustainable   scarcity, depletion of soil in cotton   are based and also encourage them to
            and certified materials (BCI Cotton,   growing areas, waste management,   engage in social activities.                        The recycled material consists of Recycled Nylon, Polyester and Regenerated Cotton.
            Organic Cotton and Recycled Yarns) to   labor practices and human rights
            reduce the environmental load of our   compliance. In order to effectively   Interloop sources 100% raw materials
            products. The priority raw materials   manage the risks in the supply chain,   from suppliers who are third-party
            are determined by dividing the quantity   we source from certified suppliers   certified for an environmental or social
            of each material by total raw material   and compliance is ensured through   sustainability standard which may
            consumed (yarns & chemicals) during   rigorous supplier evaluation processes.   include but is not limited to Oeko-
            the year and are sourced from Oeko-   Moreover, we are supporting many   Tex Standard 100, BCI, GOTS and
            Tex 100 certified suppliers. The major   social initiatives in health, education,   GRS, directly supporting SDG 12;
            environmental and social risks in the   sports, literary & cultural activities within   Responsible Consumption and
            supply chain are climate change, water   Pakistan where our major suppliers   Production.

            Raw materials third party certified to an environmental or social standards, by standard
             Standard / Program            Material        UOM*           FY 2019       FY 2018      FY 2017
             Oeko-Tex                         -              %                100           100          100
             BCI                          BCI  Cotton        %               33.49        26.80         25.30
             GOTS                        Organic Cotton      %                2.37         2.80          1.82
             GRS                        Recycled Cotton      %                4.44         5.45          5.38
                                         Recycled Nylon      %                0.02         0.11          0.24
                                       Recycled Polyester    %                0.06        0.001        0. 004
             Sustainable Cotton Program**     -              %                0.50            -             -

            *Percentage of total yarn consumed
            **Primark sustainable cotton program

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