Page 65 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 65


 Goals         Our motivated, talented and committed
               People are one of the key elements
               contributing to our success over the
 Build a Diverse and
 Empowered Workforce  Transform Lives  Improve Well-being  last 27 years. We consider our People
               as our strategic asset and believe
 Build a diverse, inclusive, and   By 2020, we will help transform   Enable 15,000 people live   that their personal and professional
 empowered workforce that   lives of 5000 households, helping   more fulfilling and healthier lives   growth is essential for the growth of
 becomes agent of positive   break the socioeconomic divide   through, participation in sports   the company. Our People Management
 change and drives sustainable   through provision of affordable,   and literature, and access to   approach is based on two key
 economic growth for Pakistan  quality education  free quality health services  principles:
               •   Respect for People
               •   Continuous Improvement
               These key principles guide our
               common and shared values, i.e.,
               I-Care: Integrity, Care, Accountability,
               Respect and Excellence, shape our
 •   Expand representation of women   •   Provide affordable, equitable and   •   Promote local sporting talent   organizational culture and define the
 across all levels of our workforce   quality education to 4000 children   by enabling 3000 people to   essence of our company.
 to 10%   by sponsoring 25 TCF schools in   participate in sporting events at
 under-privileged communities   local and national level across   HR Policies & SOPs
 •   Support new mothers by   multiple sports
 improving maternity benefits   •   Provide 500 young women and
 and providing quality early year   men access to technical and   •   Promote sports for differently   We have in place well-defined HR
 education across all our childcare   higher education by granting   abled people by sponsoring local   policies and SOPs, in line with
 centres  annual scholarships  and international sports events  international best practices, to
               manage our people. Since inception,
 •   Provide decent work and   •   Provide equal access to education   •   Improve well-being of 4000   the company has been focused on
 employment opportunities to   for 300 children with disabilities   people in our community through   investing in people and processes. We
 20,000 people, supporting   promoting reading, literature and   work towards continuously improving
 livelihoods of more than 120,000   •   Provide quality early childhood   associated festivals   our management processes including
 people  development and pre-primary
 education to at least 200 children   •   Reduce epidemics of tuberculosis        organizational structure, HR planning
 •   Empower our team members by   at Interloop’s childcare centres  and water-borne diseases, as well   and performance management as well
 adopting true Lean philosophy and   as other acute health issues by              as spending time, effort and money
 deploying Lean tools and trainings   sponsoring treatments for 8000              in developing our employees. Our HR
 to over 2000 people  patients                                                    policies are focused on grooming our
                                                                                  present employees as well as bringing
 •   Improve talent management by   •   Promote mental health and
 encouraging cross-functional   wellbeing by funding research and                 onboard highly talented professionals
 careers, rewarding high   diagnostics for Alzheimer’s disease                    from the industry, nourishing them
 performance and living by                                                        through internal and external trainings,
 organizational values                                                            honing their skills through on job
                                                                                  training, providing them a productive
                                                                                  and enabling workplace to show their
                                                                                  talent and becoming valuable resource
                                                                                  for themselves and for the organization.

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