Page 50 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
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            IMPACTS                                                                                                                                  Eco����c Va��� �i�t����te� 2020                      Eco����c Va��� �i�t����te� 2019

                                                                                                                                                            (PKR in Millions)                                    (PKR in Millions)
                                                                                                                                                              23,023                                               22,755
                           Target 2021                               Performance till 2020

                         Direct economic value
                         to be generated by 2021                           Direct economic value
                                                                             achieved in 2020
                             US$ 325 million
                           (PKR 54,000 million)                             (PKR 36,945 million)

                                                                                                                                                175                                                  350
                                                                                                                                                 1,290                                                 544
                                                                                                                                                       2879                                               3,591
            The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak   Policy rate reduction, payroll re-  in the coming years. However, as                                Operating cost     Payment to government             Operating cost     Payment to government
            has caused many disruptions and   financing, and debt relief package   the situation is getting better, we                           Employee wages and benefilts  Community Investments   Employee wages and benefilts  Community Investments
            pushed the world economy into a   was announced by the state bank   at Interloop are confident to keep                               Payment to providers of capital                      Payment to providers of capital
            recession. Pakistan was affected   and government to provide liquidity,   exploring opportunities and adjust
            severely at the time when the    ensuring business continuity, and   our business practices in the New                        and indirect economic impacts in   such practices. In addition, our internal   Defined Benefit
            economic indicators were showing   securing employment. However,   Normal, to deliver sustained economic                      the shape of return to investors,   audit department carries out internal
            signs of recovery. The pandemic has   disruption in the global supply chain   performance.                                    payments to suppliers, employees,   audit of all activities and reports to the   Plans
            resulted in negative growth, loss of   along with cancellation of orders by                                                   government, and creation of livelihood   Board Audit Committee. The Board
            jobs, lockdowns leading to the closure   clients on account of lockdowns, and   Economic performance at Interloop             opportunities in the supply chain along   Audit Committee reviews the report   Interloop offers market competitive
            of production plants, and pushing   halt of economic activities severely   is guided by our mission, vision and               with socioeconomic development of   and corrective action is taken as   salaries and benefits to its
            millions to poverty. A very slow   affected Interloop’s profitability.  values, along with targets set by the                 the surrounding communities. The   per requirement. During the year, all   workforce and regularly monitors
            recovery has been projected in 2021                                management for delivering exceptional                      Board defines targets for economic   operations were assessed for risks   the remuneration for relevance and
            making it a difficult time for business   The pandemic has changed the way   results, with high-quality products              performance. Goals and targets   related to corruption and no incidence   compliance. Apart from salaries,
            and the masses.                  we work & live and is expected to   exceeding customers’ expectations.                       may be annual, or in the case of   of corruption was recorded at   Interloop offers defined benefit in
                                             affect the global economies’ growth   Our operations have both direct                        expansions, acquisitions and new   Interloop. The economic performance   the form of gratuity to its employees
                                                                                                                                          business ventures, may be targeted   is periodically reviewed against the set   where no contribution is required
            Direct Economic Value Generated and Distributed                                                                               over a longer-term.              financial targets at Board meetings   from employees. Interloop does not
                                                                                                                                                                           and corrective measures are taken   maintain a separate fund for gratuity
                                                                                                                                          The Chief Executive Officer along   through process improvement and   and the liability for defined benefit
                                             2020        2019        2018        2017        2016       2015
                                                                                                                                          with the Management Committee is   cost savings to meet the defined   plan is calculated on the basis of
                                                                   Rupees in million                                                      responsible for underlying activities   targets.                   actuarial valuation. Interloop also
             Economic Value Generated                                                                                                     to meet the targets. At Interloop                                  offers contributory benefit in form of
             Revenues*                      36,945      37,524      31,169     26,550      26,426      24,213                             while pursuing the targets, we have   Interloop’s financial performance   provident fund to its employees. A
                                                                                                                                          the policy to procure maximum raw   was significantly affected due to   separate fund is maintained where
             Economic Value Distributed
                                                                                                                                          material, process material, and other   the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.   Interloop contributes 7.5% while
             Operating Cost                 23,023      22,755      19,513     16,851      16,585      16,218                             available products/services locally, to   The revenue for the year was PKR   employees contribute 7.5% to 12.5%
             Employee Wages And Benefits     9,523       7,898       6,853      5,778       5,016       4,225                             strengthen local suppliers and create   36,945 million compared to PKR   of basic salaries. The participation
             Payment To Providers Of Capital  2,879      3,591       1,428      1,377       1,045       1,703                             employment opportunities.        37,524 million in 2019, showing a   in the contributory benefit plan is
                                                                                                                                                                           1.54% decline. However, the net profit   voluntary. The liability for defined
             Payment To Government           1,290        544         426         381         582        347                              We have zero-tolerance for corruption   declined considerably to PKR 1,796   benefit plan was PKR 3,126.17 million
             Community Investments             175        350         105         200         160         87                              in our operations as well as in   million compared to 5,195 million in   in 2020 compared to PKR 2,482.62
             Economic Value Retained            55       2,386       2,844      1,963       3,038       1,633                             our relationship with our business   2019 showing a 65% decline. Detailed   million in 2019.
                                                                                                                                          partners. The Code of Conduct clearly   information on financial performance
            *Revenues as per the requirement of GRI Economic Performance 201:2016 disclosure 201-1 which                                  restrains the employees to enter in   can be found in the financial statement
            requires inclusion of revenue from financial investments and sales of assets.                                                                                  section of the Annual Report 2020.

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