Page 55 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
P. 55


 (Baseline Year 2016)*  Performance Till  FY 2020*

 Our sustainability targets FY 2016 - 2021 cover only Hosiery business being the main operational activity of Interloop at the   Environmental Impact Area  FY 2020   FY 2019  FY 2018  FY 2017  FY 2016
 time when targets were set. However, due to expanding business functions, we plan to set next 5 years’ targets for important
 environmental impact areas at the organizational level, in order to effectively manage and reduce the environmental load of   Water  141  151  137  153  168
 our operations.         (Liters / kg of socks)

                         Energy                           5.35         5.06        4.70         4.75        4.71
                         (kWh / Dozen of Socks)

 Environmental           Greenhouse Gas
                         Emissions**                      1.92         1.88        1.95         1.69        1.89
 Impact Areas            (kg CO e / Dozen of Socks)
                         Sustainable Material            49.06        40.85       34.66        32.82       25.35
                         (%age of total yarn)

 Greenhouse              Renewable Energy
 Gas Emissions           (MWp)                            2.13         0.12        0.12         0.12        0.12
 (kg CO   e/Dozen of socks)
 Energy                  Wastewater                ZDHC foundational level compliance achieved
 (kWh/Dozen of socks)
                                                   2020: Oeko-TEX STeP
                                                   2020: Made in Green
 Sustainability          Sustainability Specific   2020: FairTrade (USA)
 Specific                 Certifications            2019: Cradle to Cradle (Gold)
 Certifications                                     2018: LEED GOLD Certified facility (Hosiery Plant - 4)
                                                   2018: ISO-50001 (Energy Management System certification for Hosiery Plant
 Water                                             - 2 & 4)
 (Litres/kg of socks)
 15%           * Hosiery Business only
               ** Greenhouse Gas Emission values include scope I & scope II emissions
 Renewable Energy
 (MWp)         Sustainability - Impacts FY 2020
 4 MWp
 Installed Solar Capacity
 (% of total yarn)

 Wastewater            Energy Saved                  Emissions Reduced                    Water Saved
 ZDHC Compliance                                                                                        3
                      3.54 million kWh
                                                        15,226 tCO  (e)
                                                                     2                     68,620 m
                         Equivalent to                    Equivalent to                     Equivalent to
 * Hosiery Business only  289 homes’ energy use        252,000 tree seedlings           57,183 families/day water
                          for one year                   grown for 10 years                  requirement*

 52            * based on 6 members family                                                                          53
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60