Page 57 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
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               Interloop Limited successfully    substances & guarantees about the
 The textile industry impacts every   and customer requirements. Regular   invested in environmental protection,   achieved OEKO-TEX ® STeP, the   environmentally friendly production
 human being on the earth and is a   internal & external trainings are carried   out of which PKR 29.31 million was   first facility based sustainability   processes, good social working
 major source of exports and economic   out for executive & non-executive   spent on waste disposal, emissions   certification. Hosiery Plants 2 & 4,   conditions and optimum health &
 development for developing countries.   employees at all manufacturing   treatment, and remediation while PKR   already OEKO-TEX 100 certified,   safety. Interloop secured higher than
 At the same time, it impacts the   facilities. Interloop has devised   7.7 million was spent on prevention   are now capable of producing   the global & regional average scores
 environment through consumption   internal training modules on different   and management costs. In 2019,   Made In Green labeled products.   in all modules, recording highest
 of raw materials, wet processing,   environmental, health, and safety   PKR 29.17 million was invested for   Made In Green label ensures that   compliance Level-3, with an overall
 chemicals & energy use, discharge   issues to equip the line staff with the   environmental protection.   products are tested for harmful   score of 83%.
 of effluents, emissions, and wastes   latest knowledge and skills.
 from production processes. These   An environmental grievances
 activities are causing climate change   Interloop is part of the global supply   mechanism exists across the
 and require active management to   chain and realizes its responsibility   company where complaints about   USING RESOURCES EFFICIENTLY
 reduce their negative impacts. In-line   to manage its environmental impact   environmental issues can be filed
 with Article 15 of Rio Declaration,   and report the performance, keeping   by the affected parties. During our   AND RESPONSIBLY
 our environmental management   in view the ethical commitments and   regular training & awareness sessions,
 approach at Interloop is proactive,   global customers’ requirements.   employees are encouraged to
 focusing on early impact identification   Interloop defined environmental   share ideas and suggestions about   Yarns) to decrease the environmental   through rigorous supplier evaluation
 of environmental issues and taking   targets for its hosiery business in   environmental concerns, as we believe   Material Sourcing   load of our products. The priority raw   processes. Moreover, we are
 appropriate measures to timely   FY 2016 which have resulted in   that it is an integral part of continuous   and Consumption   materials are determined by dividing   supporting many social initiatives in
 manage them. Irrespective of costs   reducing the relative volume of water   improvement in the systems.   the quantity of each material by total   health, education, sports, and literary
 involved, we are continuously   consumption, energy usage, air   Interloop is a vertically integrated   raw material consumed (yarns &   & cultural activities within Pakistan
 investing in new technologies for   emissions, and effluent waste over   Various platforms like Worker   setup. Priority raw material are yarns   chemicals) during the year and are   where our major suppliers are based
 operational excellence and reduced   the years. The next five year targets   Management Council (WMC), EHS   -being produced by using natural and   sourced from Oeko-TEX 100 certified   and also encourage them to engage
 environmental impacts.   are planned to cover all business   Committee, Focus Group Meetings,   synthetic fiber- and fabric. We produce   suppliers.   in social activities.
 segments of Interloop to better   etc. are available to discuss and   as well as procure cotton yarns,
 Our environmental policy serves as   manage our overall environmental   generate solutions for these problems.    synthetic yarns, regenerated and   The major environmental and social   Interloop sources 100% raw materials
 a guiding document for all business   footprint. Our manufacturing   Additionally, the grievances can also   recycled yarns which are processed   risks in the supply chain are climate   from third-party certified suppliers
 units to manage the environmental   facilities are certified against   be channelized through dedicated   using dyes and chemicals to produce   change, water scarcity, depletion of   for an environmental or social
 impact of the company’s operations   various management systems viz.   Management Representatives (MR)   socks and tights. The fabric is   soil in cotton growing areas, waste   sustainability standard, which may
 and helps in complying with our   ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015,   available at each hosiery plant, and   procured to produce denim, knitwear   management, labor practices, and   include but not limited to Oeko-
 commitments, applicable laws,   OHSAS-18001:2015, ISO-50001:2011,   suggestion boxes have been installed   and active wear We are focused on   human rights compliance. In order   TEX Standard 100, BCI, GOTS,
 and customers’ code of conduct. A   SA 8000, ISO-17025, ISO-17043,   at prominent locations at each   increasing the quantity of sustainable   to effectively manage the risks in the   and GRS, directly supporting SDG
 dedicated corporate sustainability   and Oeko-TEX STeP helping in the   manufacturing facility. The Manager   and certified raw materials (BCI   supply chain, we source from certified   12; Responsible Consumption and
 cell is responsible for evaluating   identification of opportunities & risks   Health & Safety is responsible for   Cotton, Organic Cotton, and Recycled   suppliers and compliance is ensured   Production.
 environmental sustainability initiatives,   and devising necessary measures   dealing with such complaints. The
 tracking impacts, and setting targets.   for capitalization and management,   complaints requiring new policies,   Raw materials third-party certified to an environmental or social standard, by
 EHS representative at each plant is   respectively. The performance   procedures, and investments are
 responsible for ensuring compliance   is regularly monitored through   forwarded to Corporate EHS for review   standard (at Interloop Hosiery)
 for employees’ health & safety,   internal checks against targets and   & appropriate actions. As a result of
 applicable local & international laws,   appropriate measures are taken   strong management systems, no non-  Standard / Program*  Material  UOM**  FY 2020  FY 2019  FY 2018  FY 2017
 if and where required. During the   compliance with the environmental   Oeko-TEX (Standard 100)  -  %  100  100  100  100
 reporting year, PKR 37.01 million was   laws, regulations, and customers’   BCI  BCI  Cotton  %  37.13  33.49  26.80  25.3
 requirements occurred during the year.
                GOTS                          Organic Cotton    %           4.07       2.37       2.80      1.82
                GRS                           Recycled Cotton   %          0.005       4.44       5.45      5.38
                                              Recycled Nylon    %                      0.02       0.11      0.24
                                             Recycled Polyester  %          3.58       0.06      0.001     0. 004
                Sustainable Cotton Program***       -           %           4.29        0.5         -          -

               * Hosiery Only
               **percentage from total raw material
 54            ***Primark Sustainable Cotton Program                                                                55
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62