Page 73 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
P. 73


 HR Department’s   Hiring and Attrition          Interloop’s Human Resource        Employee
                                                 Management approach ensures
 Hierarchy                                       retaining top talent which leads   Engagement Survey
                                                 to sustainable performance and
 The most senior officer responsible   Hiring by Age-Group  cost effectiveness. The hiring and   HR department conducts Employee
 for implementation of human resource            attrition rates during 2019-2020   Engagement Survey of executive
 practices is the Vice President People   <30  5,568  79.92%  were 34% and 12% against 20%   employees through the internationally
 & Organization Development. He   30-50  1,385  19.88%  and 11% in 2018-2019, respectively.   acclaimed Mercer’s Employee
 is assisted by Sr. General Manager   >50  14  0.2%  The senior management i.e. Deputy   Engagement Model, to better
 Strategic HR and Learning &   Total    6,967   100%  General Manager and above are   understand employee perspectives
 Development and General Manager                 hired based on relevant experience,   regarding various aspects of their
 Human Resource & Administration.                skills, education, and suitability   employment with the company, and
 Support Services Managers at   Attrition by Age-Group  for the position. Although, there   to identify areas of improvement. The
 all plants are responsible for the   <30    1,956   75%  is no restriction for geographical   results are shared with all functional
 implementation of HR policies. All   30-50  633  24%  background, a significant proportion   and business heads and plans are
 human resource-related aspects                  of senior management has been hired   put in action to improve Employee
 i.e. employment practices, diversity,   >50  36  1%  or belongs to the local community.   Engagement Index. The last survey
 training, etc. are monitored at the plant   Total    2,625   100%  Moreover, while hiring workers,   was done in 2018 and the next one is
 level and reported at the corporate   Det���� of W���f���e  preference is given to the people from   planned to be conducted in 2021.
 level. The Human Resource &                     the local community.
 Remuneration Committee of the Board   2020  21,104  Hiring by Gender
 reviews the human resource related               H� �im����on�
 policies and recommends suitable   2019  16,775  Male  6,213  89.18%
 course of action to the Board. The   Female  754  10.82%  Leadership & Direction                     79%
 substantial portion of the company   2018  15,351  Total    6,967   100%  Worklife Balance     75%
 business is performed by full-time   2017
 employees. There was no major   15,331           Teamwork & Cooperation                                80%
 variation in the workforce during the   Number of Employees  Attrition by Gender
 year. At the end of the financial year   Male    2,207   84%  Ethics & Integrity                        81%
 2020, Interloop employed 21,104   Femlae  418  16%  Overall Satisfaction                                  83%
                     Total   2,625    100%                          Favorable Response Percentage
 Wor���r�� �y E��lo���n� T�pe  Wor���r�� �y E��lo���n� C��t�a�t  Wor���r�� �y E��lo���n� C��t�a�t
 b�o��n �� Gen���  b�o��n �� Gen���  b�o��n �� Reg���  Hiring by Location
 20000  19,615  20000  19,601  16000
 14,613              Faisalabad  2,663  38.22%
                     Lahore      4,304   61.78%
 16000  16000  12800
                     Total       6,967   100%
 12000  12000  9600
                     Attrition by Location
 8000  8000  6400    Faisalabad  1,080  41%
                     Lahore      1,545  59%
 4000  4000  3200    Total       2,625   100%
 1,489  1,484
 0  0  14  5  13  6
 0  0  0
 Ful� ����  Par� ����  Per����n�  Tem����r�  Per����n�  Tem����r�
 (Contractual)  (Contractual)
 Male  Female  Male  Female  Faisalabad  Lahore

 70                                                                                                                 71
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78