Page 80 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
P. 80


            Talent Development                                                                                                            Companywide Sports
            Programs                                                                                                                      Activities

            Interloop truly believes in nurturing                                                                                         To promote physical and mental
            its people. The Human Resource                                                                                                well-being of our people through
            Department conducts regular Training                                                                                          competitiveness and healthy
            Need Analysis to identify development                                                                                         entertainment, the company
            needs of employees and prepares                                                                                               has developed modern Sports
            comprehensive people development                                                                                              Infrastructure, including a state of
            programs. The objective is to equip                                                                                           the art executive club, table tennis,
            the people with knowledge & skills                                                                                            squash, badminton and basketball
            for long term employability and                                                                                               courts, football grounds, and high
            career enhancement. For executive                                                                                             energy fitness gyms and organizes
            employees, well-designed customized                                                                                           various traditional and non-traditional
            and open enrolment training programs                                                                                          sports tournaments, for all employees
            on technical, managerial, and                                                                                                 including differently-abled.
            leadership skills are conducted by   All employees received performance   non-discrimination, diversity & equal
            Pakistani & Foreign trainers, while   and career development reviews   opportunity, child labor, and forced                   Corporate Social
            non-executive employees are trained   during the year.             & compulsory labor. 63% of workers
            for similar skills at the in-house                                 including 100% security personnel                          Events
            Technical Training School (TTS).   In FY 2020, Interloop devoted 12,921   were trained during the reporting year
            During the year, the company has   hours compared to 8,633 hours, to   on human rights policies as compared                   To enhance employee engagement
            spent 49,419 hours to train 13,816   human rights policies concerning   to 51.69% in 2019.                                    with the company and to recognize
            employees.                       aspects related to business including                                                        their services, Interloop organizes
                                                                                                                                          various social events throughout the
                                                                                                                                          year including the Annual Dinner,
            Training hours per employee                                                                                                   Managers’ Dinner, International
                                                                                                                                          Women’s Day, Long Service Awards,
                                                                                                                                          Christmas, etc.
             Tra����g Ho��� p�� E�p�o���      Tra����g Ho��� p�� E�p�o���       Tra����g Ho��� p�� E�p�o���
                          2.34                         (b� Ge�d��)                (b� E�p�o��� Cat����y)
                                             70,000                            60,000
                                             56,000                            48,000
                                             42,000                            36,000

                                             28,000                            24,000
                                             14,000                            12,000
                   No. of Employees                           3,509
                                                     1,489                         1,438            5.45 2.11
                   Training Hours               0                  2.34 2.35      0
                   Average Hours of Training       No. �f  Man-����s  Av�. T�a�n���  No. �f  Man-����s  Av�. T�a�n���
                                                   em���y�e�       ho���            em���y�e�       ho���
                                                      Male       Female                Executive   Non-Executive

     78                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        79
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85