Page 84 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
P. 84


            be channelized through suggestion   Rate of Injury by Region & Gender                                                           •   Risk assessment conducted for
            boxes installed at prominent locations                                                                                             all production facilities
            in each facility. No grievance was filed               Organization             Contractor                                      •   Disinfection (by engaging
            during the year under review.                       Male        Female       Male       Female                                     third party service provider)

                                              Faisalabad         Nil          Nil         Nil         Nil                                      of whole plants followed by
            Interloop has defined procedures for                                                                                               regular internal disinfection of
            accident investigation and reporting.   Lahore       Nil          Nil         Nil         Nil                                      high-risk areas based upon risk
            This includes the initial accident report   Occupation Disease Rate by Region & Gender                                             assessments
            followed by an accident investigation
            report and follow-ups. The company   Faisalabad      Nil          Nil         Nil         Nil                                   •   Procurement and provision of
            includes first aid injury and fatalities   Lahore    Nil          Nil         Nil         Nil                                      disinfection machines to all
            in the injury rate. The lost day means   Lost Days Rate by Region & Gender                                                         plants for their regular internal
            scheduled workdays and lost day                                                                                                    use
            count begins the day after the    Faisalabad         Nil          Nil         Nil         Nil                                   •   Provision of face masks to all
            incident.                         Lahore             Nil          Nil         Nil         Nil                                      employees, and hand sanitizers
                                                                                                                                               across the plants including
                                              Absenteeism Rate by Region & Gender                                                                                                social distancing and           •   Internal audits of all Plants
            Response to the                                                                                                                    transport vehicles, soaps at all
                                              Faisalabad         Nil          Nil         Nil         Nil                                      toilets etc.                      temperature monitoring) of         conducted to verify the
            COVID-19 Pandemic                                                                                                                                                    all personnel entering the         implementation of above
                                              Lahore             Nil          Nil         Nil         Nil                                   •   Provision of face masks, face    premises through IN/OUT            listed control measures and
                                                                                                                                               shields, gloves, coverall, IR
            The COVID-19 pandemic disruption                                                                                                   based temperature guns, pulse     terminals as well as through       to identify gaps for further
            in 2020 affected billions of lives and   of whole facilities. The working   The controls set in place to cope with                 oxy meters to paramedical staff   gates for vehicular movement       improvements
            halted economic activities globally   strength was enhanced gradually in   the pandemic include but are not                        and security personnel at the   •   Ensured social distancing     •   Inspectorio-Rise - a digital
            as Governments and health & safety   accordance with the effectiveness   limited to the following:                                 comapny entrances                 among employees on                 platform, enabling a centralized
            systems world-wide were not really   of control measures incorporated                                                                                                production floors as well as in    view of health and safety risks
            prepared for such a disaster. Interloop   and as per governmental guidelines.   •   Guidelines communication to                 •   Regulated entry of visitors      the transport vehicles             during the pandemic. As a
            responded vigilantly through planning   Meanwhile, suspected as well as   all stakeholders in English and                          through dispensaries after initial                                   result, we can take proactive
            and strategic implementation of   affected cases among the employees    Urdu language                                              screening and symptomatic     •   Training sessions conducted:       measures to safeguard our
            control measures to safeguard the   were provided with all levels of   •   Banners displayed at                                    medical examinations by the       on floors at limited scale in      people through real-time
            health of all stakeholders. Based on   medical support by the company   prominent locations, posters                               CMOs                              early days of the pandemic         monitoring & ensure safe
            precautionary instructions from WHO   in terms of testing and treatment   and floor markings made to                            •   Initial screening (ensuring use   while transmitions on mega        working conditions
            and government health departments,   financing, in addition to internal   ensure social distancing and                             of face masks, provision of       phones, mobile speakers
            EHS released precautionary guidelines   medical facilities.             brochures distributed among                                hand sanitizers, maintaining      and public address systems
            and control measures for awareness                                      the workforce                                                                                afterwards
            and control against the pandemic,
            among all stakeholders within the
            company. Considering the outbreak of
            this pandemic in the country and well-
            being of our employees, based upon
            Government notification, all production
            facilities were closed in March 2020,
            till further instructions from company

            All production facilities resumed
            operation in mid April 2020, after
            government notification, with limited
            workforce and after taking proper
            control measures and disinfection

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