Page 200 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 200

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED                                                                                                     NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED

            FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                                                                                          FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2019                                                                                              FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2019

           8.1 Operating fixed assets
                                                                                                                                          8.1.1 The detail of operating fixed assets disposed / written off during the year are as follows:
                                          COST                             DEPRECIATION               W.D.V                               Description             Cost   Accumulated   Book Value Sale Proceeds  Gain /   Mode of Disposal  Particulars of Buyers
                                                                                                                                                                         Depreciation                  (Loss)
                                                                            Trial Pro-                    Rate                                                                    Rupees in ‘000
             DESCRIPTION                              As on                                 As on    As on
                             As on                            As on     For the   duction    Adjust-       %
                           July 1, 2018   Additions    Deletions   June 30,   July 1, 2018  year   Capitali-  ments   June 30,   June 30,   Assets having book value exceeding Rs. 500,000 each
                                                                             zation                                                       Buildings
                                                                                                                                          Civil Works - Satellite Unit   3,347    1,242    2,105    -      (2,105)  Rented Building
                                                                Rupees in ‘000                                                                                                                               Vacated
            Owned                                                                                                                         Civil Works - Satellite Unit   2,709    1,006    1,703    -      (1,703)  Rented Building
            Freehold land      929,470    871,689    -      1,801,159    -      -      -      -      -      1,801,159    -                Civil Works - Chawla Store Expansion   5,071    2,074    2,997    -      (2,997)  Rented Building
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Rented Building
            Buildings on freehold land   4,730,350    578,239    (17,251)   5,291,338    1,768,810    331,085    273    (7,174)   2,092,994    3,198,344   10  Fabrication of Finished Goods Store   3,646    1,869    1,777    -      (1,777)  Vacated
            Plant and machinery   15,337,893    2,158,422    (298,702)  17,197,613    6,209,372   1,009,899    3,395    (193,303)   7,029,363   10,168,250   10  Sub Total   14,773    6,191    8,582    -      (8,582)
                                                                                                                                          Plant and Machinery
            Tools and  equipments   853,507    185,194    (6,971)   1,031,730    332,256    61,223    175    (3,568)   390,086    641,644   10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mian Rashid - Nisar Colony,
                                                                                                                                          Dyeing Machine  - Tupesa   2,503     1,972    531        344    (187)  Negotiation
            Office equipments   363,401    76,918    (9,690)   430,629    176,388    45,653    173    (5,313)   216,901    213,728   20                                                                                 Faisalabad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mian Rashid - Nisar Colony,
                                                                                                                                          Dryer  - Tupesa - Sc2     4,861      3,677    1,184      143    (1,041)  Negotiation
            Electric installations   1,314,055    155,075    (35)   1,469,095    426,792    95,518    268    (20)   522,558    946,537   10                                                                             Faisalabad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mian Rashid - Nisar Colony,
                                                                                                                                          Dryer  - Tupesa - Sc      3,539      2,668    871        143    (728)  Negotiation
            Furniture and fixtures   313,807    95,786    (3,890)   405,703    123,857    25,466    38    (2,270)   147,091    258,612   10                                                                             Faisalabad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mian Rashid - Nisar Colony,
                                                                                                                                          Suction Blower System     3,179      1,671    1,508      29    (1,479)  Negotiation
            Vehicles           520,799    209,123    (119,887)   610,035    172,608    84,131    -      (63,018)   193,721    416,314   20                                                                              Faisalabad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mian Rashid - Nisar Colony,
                                                                                                                                          Bleaching Machine - Polycraft   992    460    532        29     (503)  Negotiation   Faisalabad.
             Sub total      24,363,282   4,330,446   (456,426) 28,237,302   9,210,083  1,652,975    4,322    (274,666) 10,592,714  17,644,588                                                                           Nawab Spinning Mills (Pvt) Ltd,
                                                                                                                                          Knitting Machine - Lonati - L454J   2,612    2,060    552    182    (370)  Negotiation   Chak No. 61 R.B, Near Sitara Ener-
            Leasehold                                                                                                                                                                                                   gy, Sheikhupura Road , Faisalabad.
            Vehicles            2,439       -      (2,439)   -      1,273    78    -      (1,351)   -      -     20                                                                                                     Mian Maqsood - Sir Syed Town,
                                                                                                                                          Knitting Machine  - Santoni   2,505    1,965    540      13     (527)  Negotiation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dajkot Road, Faisalabad.
             Sub total          2,439       -      (2,439)   -      1,273    78    -      (1,351)   -      -                                                                                                            Mian Maqsood - Sir Syed Town,
                                                                                                                                          Knitting Machine  - Santoni   2,505    1,965    540      13     (527)  Negotiation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dajkot Road, Faisalabad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mian Maqsood - Sir Syed Town,
                                                                                                                                          Knitting Machine  - Sangiacomo   3,045    2,227    818    13    (805)  Negotiation
             Grand total    24,365,721   4,330,446   (458,865) 28,237,302    9,211,356  1,653,053    4,322    (276,017) 10,592,714  17,644,588                                                                          Dajkot Road, Faisalabad.
                                                                                                                                          Automatic Boarding Machine - Techo-   2,125    1,141    984    80    (904)  Negotiation   Muhammad Sarfraz - Chak No. 61,
                                                                                                                                          pea  - Ghibli                                                                 Sheikhupura Road, Faisalabad.
                                                             2018                                                                         Suction System Complete   3,780       633    3,147       53    (3,094)  Negotiation   Muhammad Safdar - Zulifqar
                                            C O S T                           DEPRECIATION             W.D.V                              Diesel Generator - CMD38 Rating                                               Colony, Faisalabad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Muhammad Umer Farooq - Zulifqar
                                                    Trans-                             Trans-                                             35Kva / 28Kw Prime 1500Rpm   1,100    450     650        195    (455)  Negotiation   Colony, Faisalabad.
             DESCRIPTION     As on     Addi-      ferred to   As on    As on     For the    Adjust-  ferred to   As on    As on    Rate   Gas Genset - Ge Jenbacher - J 620
                             July 1,   tions    Deletions  Interloop   June 30,   July 1,   year   ments   Interloop  June 30,   June 30,   GSE01 (Old Parts Scraped due to    19,241    13,757    5,484    -      (5,484)  Scraped   Mr. Abdul Aziz
                             2017                 Holdings   2018  2017               Holdings   2018   2018                              Overhauling of Generator)
                                                  (Pvt) Ltd                           (Pvt) Ltd                                           Sub Total                51,987     34,646    17,341    1,237    (16,104)
                                                                  Rupees in ‘000
                                                                                                                                          Tools and Equipments
            Freehold land    1,172,655    43,746    (263,919)   (23,012)   929,470    -      -      -      -      -      929,470    -     Fire Alarm System - Chawla Ware-   1,439    602    837    -      (837)  Rented Building
                                                                                                                                          house                                                              Vacated
            Buildings on freehold land   4,850,502    626,968    (747,120)   -      4,730,350   1,661,266    324,386    (216,842)   -     1,768,810    2,961,540   10  Fire Alarm System - Finished Goods    4,329    2,257    2,072    91    (1,981)  Negotiation   Muhammad Safdar - Zulifqar
                                                                                                                                          Warehouses                                                                    Colony, Faisalabad.
            Plant and machinery   13,787,025   1,982,512    (431,644)   -     15,337,893   5,456,668    928,874    (176,170)   -     6,209,372    9,128,521   10
                                                                                                                                          Sub Total                 5,768      2,859    2,909      91    (2,818)
            Tools and  equipment   704,066    171,851    (22,410)   -      853,507    280,220    57,991    (5,955)   -      332,256    521,251   10
            Office equipment   284,612    88,651    (9,862)   -      363,401    142,830    40,950    (7,392)   -      176,388    187,013   20  Furniture and Fixtures
            Electric installations   1,137,094    246,103    (69,142)   -      1,314,055    354,345    93,031    (20,584)   -      426,792    887,263   10                                                              Mr. Tariq -  Darul Ehsan Town near
                                                                                                                                          Palletizing and Racking System   1,550    876    674      -      (674)  Negotiation   Rasheed Kanda, Samnundri Road,
            Furniture and fixtures   289,650    29,799    (5,642)   -      313,807    105,991    20,316    (2,450)   -      123,857    189,950   10                                                                     Faisalabad.
            Vehicles          450,490    175,108    (95,695)   (9,104)   520,799    147,122    75,726    (48,671)   (1,569)   172,608    348,191   20  Sub Total    1,550       876     674         -      (674)
             Sub total      22,676,094  3,364,738  (1,645,434)   (32,116) 24,363,282  8,148,442  1,541,274   (478,064)   (1,569) 9,210,083  15,153,199   Vehicles                                                                                2018 - 19
       Interloop Limited  Vehicles   9,254    -      (6,815)   -      2,439    5,037    672    (4,436)   -      1,273    1,166   20       Toyota Land Cruiser Parado   18,151    12,600    5,551    5,551    -    Negotiation  Mrs. Nazia Navid - Wife of Chief   Annual Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Executive Officer
            Sub total
            Grand total     22,685,348  3,364,738  (1,652,249)   (32,116) 24,365,721  8,153,479  1,541,946   (482,500)   (1,569) 9,211,356  15,154,365
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