Page 83 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 83

Enhancing Female Participation  Interloop Joins Hands with IFC-PBC to   Talent Scholarship for   Uniform Behaviors
 To support women  empowerment  and to improve gender   Promote Family-Friendly Practices at   EmployeesÍ Children  In 2019, under the emblem of Interloop-Way, we launched
 parity within the organization, Interloop has taken a strategic   Workplace  Interloop encourages its employees  to motivate  their   Uniform Behaviors;  a complete Manual  about  how to
 decision of adding c.1000 women by 2020 in executive &   children acquire undergraduate  degrees and flourish  in   conduct business across the  organization.  It  defines the
 non-executive teams, in various grades including managerial   Interloop is among the 14 companies in Pakistan to participate   promising careers. For this purpose, the company offers 5   set of particular behaviors that need to be demonstrated by
 roles and working cadres.  in the first  ever private sector  peer-learning  collaboration   Talent Scholarships every year to meritorious children of its   every employee, unanimously throughout the company and
 led by IFC & PBC, to create better career opportunities by   employees, for Bachelor Degree Programs.  will act as a sustainable roadmap for closing development
 Reconnect Program   providing family-friendly practices at the workplace. Under   gaps and providing our employees with a clear direction for
 this initiative, IFC, PBC, CatCo Kids, Ubuntu Care, National     how to work for success in their personal and professional
 Through the ‘Reconnect Program’,  female staff members   Commission on the Status of Women, UNICEF Pakistan &   Interloop Way  lives.
 who have completed 3 years’ service with the  company   UN Women Pakistan will provide advice on childcare needs   Interloop was introduced to Lean by one of our customers,
 and have to leave their jobs due to family requirements can   assessment & conduct a series of events to expand learning   NIKE, and for the last few years, we have been applying Lean   Corporate Social Responsibility
 reconnect with their careers after having a break.  & share knowledge on family-friendly practices.   for improving our manufacturing processes and becoming
               robust in our operations. The Lean journey started in 2009   Interloop’s mission and reason for existence is to bring about
 Extended Maternity Leave  Employing Females in Non-Traditional   and one Plant Head was trained at NITC (Nike Innovation   a positive change in the community. To pursue this cause,
                                                                  interloop has invested approximately PKR 1.01 Billion in the
 In addition  to the entitled leaves, if a female employee   Areas  and Training  Centre), in Vietnam. In 2010,  a centralized   community during the last decade. Its main areas of focus
               Lean Resource Group (LRG) department was established
 requires further leave due to her or her newborn’s  health   As part of Interloop’s Vision 2020,  women  are now   which created awareness about Lean Philosophy across the   include Education, Sports, Literary  Activities, Health Care
 issue, she can avail another 4 weeks leave at half pay.  represented in every department and also in non-traditional   company and implemented 5S. In 2011, Lean implementation   and Disaster Relief. The company has long term KPIs and
 roles including knitting planners, knitting operators and   teams were established which worked towards building the   every year a CSR spending target is fixed and implemented
 stitching machines operators, previously  considered male        through an organized system.
 Day Care Centers  dominant areas. 60 females with STEM degrees are working   Lean Culture at the plant level and trained and implemented
               Lean tools at the shop floor. All Plant Managers were trained
 To provide ease of mind to working mothers regarding their   at Interloop including  31 textile,  electrical and industrial   at AITC, Sri Lanka.  Education
 young children, world-class Day Care Centers are in place   engineers. Several policies & practices have been instituted   Primary & Secondary Education
 at all Interloop Hosiery Plants where executive  and non-  to recruit and train females in non-traditional jobs.  In 2014,  Interloop engaged a group  of Former Toyota
 executive female employees comfortably leave their children,   Executives who are facilitating  implementation of Toyota   In order to bring a positive & lasting change in the community
 while at work. Experienced Nannies take good care of these   Production System (TPS) in various companies, all over the   by educating the youth, especially underprivileged, Interloop
 children according to their play, rest and meal timings. The   world. Since 2015, 3 groups of Interloop’s senior and middle   Welfare  Trust, in May  2009 partnered with  THE CITIZENS
 international standard infrastructure includes study, play and   management from across the company have attended the   FOUNDATION; the largest non-profit  organization  in
 rest areas and trained teachers ensure quality pre-primary   Toyota Production System  (TPS) & Toyota Management   Pakistan providing quality education to the disadvantaged.
 education and development of these children through   System (TMS) workshops  with American  Links & Toyota   So far, Interloop has established 24 schools (14 primary, 9
 curricular and extracurricular  activities. Company doctor   Engineering Corporation (TEC)  in  Japan. Interloop fully   secondary & 1 higher secondary;  separate campuses for
 performs  periodic check-ups  of these children to warrant   understands the  significance of our ‘people practices’   boys and girls) and is constructing 3 more, totaling to 27, in
 that they stay in good health.  supporting  deployment of Lean so that this develops on   the rural areas around Faisalabad city.
               part of our culture. Consequently, in 2017,  the company
               started designing ‘Interloop-Way’  comprising Lean  &
               People components. Interloop-Way will improve our people
               practices, systems & processes and will help in achieving
               full engagement, for sustainable growth and development.

 Other Initiatives for Female Employees
 •  Free & Safe pick and drop has been expanded to more
 remote areas
 •   Focused trainings and recreational & sports activities
 •  Female employees are members of  compliance
 committees such as Workers Management Committee,
 Environment Health & Safety Committee, etc.
 •  Female Welfare Officers are present at all manufacturing
 plants to facilitate grievance  management  of female            These schools  are managed by female staff and provide   2018 - 19
                                                                  quality formal education to 3,400  less privileged children,
 Interloop Limited                                                50% girls, in an environment that encourages intellectual,   Annual Report
                                                                  moral and spiritual growth. Interloop  has created  an

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