Page 86 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
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Literary Activities & Conferences                                                                                             Mobile Health Clinic                               ´   Recycled Material including recycled polyester, nylon
                                                                                                                                                                                                and cotton blends  which help us reduce waste and
            Playing its role in developing the character of the society,                                                                  Interloop has partnered with Lok Sanjh Foundation;    toxic emissions
            Interloop supports  various cultural  and literary events                                                                     implementing partner  of  Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) in
            throughout the year.                                                                                                          Pakistan to finance provision of Mobile Health Services for
                                                                                                                                          marginalized Rural Communities in cotton growing areas of
            Faisalabad Literary Festival

            Since 2014, Interloop hosts the Faisalabad Literary Festival
            every year as  the main  sponsor, where people from  all
            walks of life including families get the opportunity to interact
            firsthand with eminent literati from across the country, who
            gather to inspire people with their popular works of literature
            and performing arts.

                                                               Tuberculosis  treatment, Hepatitis  C treatment, Spinal &
                                                               Orthopedic  treatments, Blood Transfusion, Thalassemia,
                                                               Hemophilia and treatments for Cardiac ailments.

                                                               Support for Differently Abled Children                                                                                        Water
                                                               Interloop supports education, health and well-being of                                                                        Interloop is pursuing the  target of reduction in water
                                                               differently abled children by supporting  Syeda Khatoon-                   3 Union Councils in District Toba Tek Singh, Punjab. Since   consumption by 15% by 2020  and puts in continuous
                                                               e-Jannat Trust Hospital & Special  Education Center,                       Feb. 2019 the Mobile Health Clinic is serving approx. 4,000   efforts to conserve water through process  improvement
                                                               Faisalabad;  a noble institution looking after the treatment               rural community  members, especially  farmers women   and  induction of  new technology.  The company is
                                                               and optimal development  of children with intellectual and                 workers, working in the cotton fields, on weekly basis.  operating in full compliance with all applicable laws and
                                                               physical disabilities.                                                                                                        regulations on water use.
                                                               Alzheimer Socks                                                            Environmental Impact Areas
                                                               Interloop teamed up with Euro Sox Plus B.V., Netherlands in
            National & International Conferences               2015, 17 & 18 and produced Alzheimer Socks; an initiative to               Aligned with Sustainable  Development  Goals  of UNDP,
            To promote innovation and intellectual development  of   create awareness among people about Alzheimer’s disease.             Interloop Limited identified 8 Environmental  Impact Areas
                                                                                                                                          and with 2014-15 as the baseline year, Interloop developed
            Pakistani textile  professionals  and students, Interloop has   Approximately €1.08  million have been generated and          Planet Targets 2020 and took following initiatives to reduce
            been sponsoring  the All  Pakistan  DICE-Textile Innovation   donated to VUmc Alzheimer Center, Amsterdam for research        its impact and make valuable contribution towards planet’s
            Event  & International Conference  for last 4 years,   on diagnostics and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.                   sustainability:
            Interloop partnered with CIRCLE as  the Main Sponsor  to                                                                      Sustainable Raw Materials
            support She  Loves Tech Pakistan. ‘She Loves Tech’ is a                                                                       Committed to mitigate negative environmental impacts with in
            global contest to create opportunities for women-led/impact                                                                   the supply chain, Interloop is trailing the target of increasing its
            tech startups,  to level up the global  stage.  STEM women                                                                    raw material usage to 25% of total raw material consumption
            from all over  Pakistan participated in the  competition and                                                                  by 2020.  Interloop is continuously  increasing  the use of:
            the finalist will represent Pakistan in the global competition
            in China.                                                                                                                     ´   BCI Cotton that promotes good farming  practices,
                                                                                                                                             allowing more cotton to be grown while reducing water   ´   Interloop  has introduced wet  processing machines
            Health Care                                                                                                                      & chemical use, protecting working conditions and   based on Nano-Bubble technology, reducing water
                                                                                                                                                                                                consumption by 95%, chemical consumption by
            Free Treatment for Poor Patients                                                                                                                                                    71% & energy consumption by 48%, with zero liquid
                                                                                                                                          ´   Organic  Cotton which is  certified material,  grown   discharge as compared to conventional  processing
            Another area of focus for Interloop’s social responsibility is                                                                   according  to agriculture standards  that maintain   methods                                        2018 - 19
            Heath Care. We have been able to sponsor provision of free
       Interloop Limited  health care services to approx. 5,565 deserving patients for                                                       consumption of toxic chemicals or GMOs          ´   A  water re-use project is  also  underway at Hosiery   Annual Report
                                                                                                                                             the  integrity of soil health and ecosystem by zero
            Corneal Transplants, Ophthalmic Diseases, Renal Dialysis,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Plant 2 that will  further reduce water consumption

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