Page 205 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 205



               For the year ended June 30, 2020

                              The credit quality of Company’s bank balances can be assessed by reference to external credit ratings or to
                              historical information about counterparty default rate:
                             Name of Bank                     Date     Long term   Short term   Outlook   Agency

                             Allied Bank Limited            30–Jun–20       AAA       A1+       Stable    PACRA
                             Askari Bank Limited            26–Jun–20      AA+        A1+       Stable    PACRA
                             Bank Alfalah Limited           30–Jun–20      AA+        A1+       Stable   JCR–VIS
                             Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan Limited  30–Jun–20   AA      A1+       Stable   JCR–VIS
                             Faysal Bank Limited            29–Jun–20        AA       A–1+      Stable   JCR–VIS
                             Habib Bank Limited             30–Jun–20       AAA       A–1+      Stable   JCR–VIS
                             Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited   26–Jun–20   AA+        A1+       Stable    PACRA
                             MCB Bank Limited               26–Jun–20       AAA       A1+       Stable    PACRA
                             MCB Islamic Bank Limited       25–Jun–20         A         A1      Stable    PACRA
                             Meezan Bank Limited            30–Jun–20      AA+        A–1+      Stable   JCR–VIS
                             National Bank of Pakistan      29–Jun–20       AAA       A–1+      Stable   JCR–VIS
                             Standard Chartered Bank
                                Pakistan Limited            25–Jun–20       AAA       A1+       Stable    PACRA
                             The Bank of Punjab             30–Jun–20        AA       A1+       Stable    PACRA
                             United Bank Limited            29–Jun–20       AAA       A–1+      Stable   JCR–VIS

                              Due to Company’s long standing relationships with these counterparties and after giving due consideration
                              to their strong financial standing, management does not expect non–performance by these counter parties
                              on their obligations to the Company. Accordingly, the risk is minimal.

                       52.3   Liquidity risk
                              Liquidity risk is the risk that an entity will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial

                              The company’s approach to manage liquidity risk is to maintain sufficient level of liquidity by holding highly
                              liquid assets and the availability of funding through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities. At
                              June 30, 2020 the Company has Rs. 12,870 million (2019: Rs 13,224 million) unutilized borrowing limits
                              available from financial institutions and Rs. 150.787 million (2019: Rs. 1,538.56 million) cash and bank
                              balances. The management believes that the company is not exposed to any liquidity risk.

                              The following are the contractual maturity analysis of financial liabilities as at June 30, 2020 and June 30,

                                                             Carrying   Contractual   Within 6    More than 6  More than 1
                                                             amount    cash flows   months   months and   year and
                                                                                            up to 1 year  up to 5 year
                                                                                (Rupees ‘000)

                              Financial Liabilities :
                              Long term financing            7,222,513    6,621,454     245,875     515,413    5,860,166
                              Lease liabilities               119,694     156,833     15,613     15,201     126,019
                              Trade and other payables       2,799,954    2,799,954     2,799,954     –        –
                              Unclaimed dividend                2,952      2,952      2,952          –         –
                              Accrued mark up                 191,136     191,136     191,136        –         –
                              Short term borrowings         14,354,861    14,448,227    14,448,227     –       –
                                                            24,691,110    24,220,556    17,703,757     530,614    5,986,185

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