Page 206 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 206



            For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                         Carrying   Contractual   Within 6    More than 6  More than 1
                                                         amount    cash flows   months   months and   year and
                                                                                        up to 1 year  up to 5 year
                                                                             (Rupees ‘000)
                          Financial Liabilities :
                          Long term financing            4,875,936    5,764,488     677,420     934,605    4,152,463
                          Trade and other payables       3,205,118    3,205,118     3,205,118    –         –
                          Unclaimed dividend              130,935     130,935     130,935       –          –
                          Accrued mark up                  110,483     110,483     110,483      –          –
                          Short term borrowings         11,726,000    11,811,478    11,811,478    –        –
                                                        20,048,472    21,022,502    15,935,434     934,605    4,152,463
                          The contractual cash flows relating to the above financial liabilities have been determined on the basis of
                          interest rates / mark-up rates effective as at 30 June. The rates of interest / mark up have been disclosed in
                          note 25, 26 and 30 to these unconsolidated financial statements.

                   52.4   Capital risk management
                          The primary objective of the Company’s capital management is to safeguard the company’s ability to continue
                          as a going concern, maintain healthy capital ratios, strong credit rating and optimal capital structures in
                          order to ensure ample availability of finance for its existing and potential investment projects, so that it can
                          continue to provide returns for shareholders thereby maximizing their wealth, benefits for other stakeholders
                          and reduce the cost of capital.
                          The Company manages the capital structure in the context of economic conditions and the risk characteristics
                          of the underlying assets. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may, for example,
                          adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, issue new shares, or sell assets to reduce debt.
                          The Company monitors capital on the basis of debt to equity ratio, calculated on the basis of total debt to
                                                                                      2020           2019
                                                                                   (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                          Long term financing                                         7,222,513      4,875,936
                          Short term borrowings                                      14,354,861     11,726,000
                          Debts                                                      21,577,374     16,601,936
                          Equity                                                     17,279,692     17,879,784
                          Total capital (equity + debt)                              38,857,066     34,481,720
                          Gearing ratio (percentage)                                      55.53         48.15

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