Page 207 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 207
The Board of Directors in their meeting held on September 16, 2020 have proposed a final cash dividend for the year
ended June 30, 2020 of Rs. 1 per share, amounting to Rs. 872.20 million (2019: Rs. 1,526.34 million) for approval of
the members at the Annual General Meeting of the Company.
The Board of Directors in their meeting held on September 16, 2020 has decided to amend the rules of the Employee
Stock Option Scheme (Scheme) of the Company, subject to the approval of the members of the Company, by a
special resolution at the upcoming Annual General Meeting & the SECP amid required amendments in the constituting
documents and also subject to any amendments that may be required by the SECP or recommended by the Company
and approved by the SECP. Consequently, 2,797,450 (two million seven hundred ninety seven thousand four hundred
fifty) fully paid & non-listed, non-voting ordinary shares which have been granted, vested, exercised and/or issued to
the eligible employees in terms of this Scheme shall be deemed to have been converted to the ordinary shares from
the date of those requisite approvals.
The financial statements were authorized for issue on September 16, 2020 by the Board of Directors of the Company.
55.1 Corresponding figures
Corresponding figures have been rearranged and reclassified wherever necessary for the purpose of better
presentation. However, during the year following reclassification is made in the corresponding figures.
Particulars From To (Rupees ‘000)
Accrued interest on loan Deposit, Prepayment Accrued income 10,441
to Metis International And Other Receivables -
(Pvt) Limited ‘Other Receivables’
55.2 Following nomenclature has been changed during the year
Previous year nomenclature Current year nomenclature
Dividend payable Unclaimed dividend
Loss on mutual funds measured at fair value Realized/ remeasurement loss on mutual funds
through profit or loss
55.3 Rounding
Figures have been rounded off to the nearest thousand.
Chief Executive Officer Director Chief Financial Officer