Page 212 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 212




             S. No  Key Audit Matter(s)                          How the Matter was addressed in audit
                                                                 •   Reviewed and checked the period considered for
                                                                    depreciating right of use assets.

                                                                 •   Tested calculation of present value of liability and
                                                                    right of use assets and its related finance cost and
                                                                    depreciation charge for the period.

                                                                 •   We further tested the adjustments made in the
                                                                    consolidated financial statements from initial
                                                                    application of IFRS 16 as a part of the transition
                                                                    process based on the differences identified.
                                                                 We also assessed the adequacy and appropriateness
                                                                 of consolidated financial statements presentation and
                                                                 disclosures in accordance with the applicable financial
                                                                 reporting framework.
             S. No  Key Audit Matter(s)                          How the Matter was addressed in audit
              2.   Borrowings: ((Refer notes 26 and 31 to the consolidated financial statements)
                   The Group has significant amounts of borrowings from  Our audit procedures included:
                   Banks and other financial institutions amounting to Rs.
                   22.189 billion, being 77% of total liabilities, as at reporting  •   Review of loan agreements and facility letters to
                   date.                                            ascertain the terms and conditions of repayment,
                                                                    rates of markup used and disclosed by management
                   Given the significant level of borrowings, finance   for finance costs and to ensure that the borrowings
                   costs, significant gearing, the disclosure given by the   have been approved at appropriate level.
                   management in consolidated financial statements and
                   compliance with                               •   Verification of disbursement of loans and utilization
                   various loan covenants, this is considered to be a key   on sample basis. Review of documents for charge
                   audit matter.                                    registration with regulator- SECP.
                                                                 •   Verification of repayments made by the Group
                                                                    during the year on sample basis to confirm that
                                                                    repayments are being made on time and no default
                                                                    has been made.

                                                                 •   Understating and assessing procedures designed
                                                                    by management to comply with the debt covenants
                                                                    and performing covenant tests on sample basis.
                                                                 •   Obtaining confirmation from Banks of the Group to
                                                                    confirm balances, terms & conditions stated in the
                                                                    facility offer letter and compliance thereof.

                                                                 •   Performing analytical procedures, recalculations
                                                                    and other related procedures for verification of
                                                                    finance costs.
                                                                 •   Ensuring that the outstanding liabilities have been
                                                                    properly classified and related securities and other
                                                                    terms are adequately disclosed in the consolidated
                                                                    financial statements.

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