Page 248 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 248



            For the year ended June 30, 2020

                   18.1   This represent the subsidy receivable from Government of Pakistan (GoP) and Sui Northern Gas Pipelines
                          Limited (SNGPL) against sui gas consumption amounting to Rs. 90.4 million and Rs. 2.18 million respectively.
                          The GoP has fixed weighted average gas tariff of US $6.5 per million British Thermal Unit (mmBtu) to zero–
                          rated industry and announced subsidy to the units bearing higher rate than fixed one, whereas SNGPL
                          allowed 50% system gas adjustment capped at initial contractual load.

                                                                                      2020           2019
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                   18.2   Receivables from related parties
                          include receivables from:

                          IL Bangla Limited – Unquoted associate       18.5              88,562        82,766
                          Interloop Welfare Trust                                           –           1,214
                                                                                         88,562        83,980

                   18.3   The maximum aggregate amount of receivable due from related parties at the end of any month during the
                          year was Rs. 88.56 million (2019: Rs. 83.98 million).

                   18.4   At June 30, 2020, receivables aggregating to Rs. 88.56 million (2019: Rs. 83.98 million) were past due but
                          not impaired. The ageing analysis of these receivables is as follows:

                                                                                      2020           2019
                                                                                   (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

                          Upto 1 month                                                    5,796         7,154
                          More than 1 year                                               82,766        76,826
                                                                                         88,562        83,980

                   18.5   This represents balance receivable against payments made on behalf of IL Bangla Limited. Interest is
                          charged at effective rate of 7.53% per annum.

                                                                                      2020           2019
                                                                                   (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

            19.    ACCRUED INCOME
                   Interest on loan to Metis International (Pvt) Limited                  1,633        10,441
                   Profit on term finance certificates (TFCs)                              606             –
                                                                                          2,239        10,441

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