Page 85 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 85

•   Robotic Process Automation program has expanded   semantic layer has been built to server business
                     to include customer order processing as well as   analytics dashboards for users
                     back-office functions. This helps enhance user   •   Automation of Product Development Unit to improve
                     productivity. Repeatable low-value tasks are now   sample lead times
                     being performed by software bots, and human
                     workforce is being graduated to perform intelligent   •   Digital sampling capability in the Product
                     tasks                                             Development Unit to develop and share 3D Digital
                                                                       Samples with clients for improved lead time, lower
                 •   Secure remote connectivity has been provided to   cost and lower carbon footprint
                     business users to enhance productivity and mobility.
                     This has proven especially useful during COVID-19   •   Implementation of Phase 1 of textile specialized ERP
                     conditions                                        system Datatex for Interloop Denim covering Product
                                                                       Development, Sales, Purchase, and Inventory
                 •   Business Analytics has been introduced as a
                     Company-wide initiative to provide analytics   •   Development and implementation of an automated
                     dashboards to multiple business functions. A      Cotton Appraisal Module

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