Page 86 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 86


            POLICY & PLAN

            The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a   •   As an immediate step, assured that all hygiene
            pandemic on Mar 11, 2020, as it was causing a huge impact   procedures & protective protocols, advised by the
            on peoples’ lives, families and communities, with millions   government, were diligently adopted and followed
            falling sick or succumbing to this viral disease, globally.   throughout the Company
            The pandemic has also presented a significant existential
            challenge for people as well as organizations all over the   Communication:
            world because lockdown across countries to prevent the
            spread of the disease has created an economic crisis as   Inform the People
            all kinds of businesses have been shut down except those
            producing bare essentials.                          •   For the safekeeping of our people, a complete
                                                                    guideline on travel advisory was implemented within
            With the ever-evolving yet fluid situation, Interloop took   the Company
            major steps to safeguard the health and safety of our   •   Precise quarantine instructions were provided to
            people and to ensure the continuity of our business     employees & their families keeping in mind their
            during this global crisis, by assessing organizational   health & safety during the crisis
            exposure, positioning our self to appropriately support key
            stakeholders, including employees and customers and   •   Employees over the age of 50 years, those with pre-
            rolled out a policy and Pandemic Recovery Plan.         existing medical conditions and those having any
                                                                    symptoms were offered to avail extraordinary leaves
                                                                    with Work From Home option
            Interloop worked on a 3 pronged approach to combat
            COVID-19 at its end:                                •   Company paid testing facility was offered for
                                                                    quarantined employees
            Awareness:                                          •   For any medical emergency, on-site doctor was
                                                                    available at every plant
            Educate the People
                                                                •   A regular communication flow was maintained from
              •   At all plants, awareness sessions were conducted,   the CEO to the employees regarding the developing
                 standees & posters were displayed, regular online   situation and taking self-care measures for people’s
                 communications were sent to all staff, and regular   safety
                 announcements were made through the Public     •   A cross-functional COVID-19 response team was
                 Address System                                     formed and a dedicated helpline was set-up to
                                                                    address any issues faced by the employees

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