Page 87 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 87
Control Measures: • We accelerated our efforts to transition to digital
product development and have had virtual tours
Save the People organized, enabling our partners to visit us virtually
• Our collaboration with Inspectorio, implementing their
• In order to protect the livelihoods of our people and
their families, the Company decided not to retrench Rise COVID-19 solution, helped in safeguarding our
any employee despite the fact that the business had people through audits and real-time monitoring of
come to a standstill our operations, allowing us to take necessary actions
to ensure safe working conditions
• Regular fumigation was carried out across all offices
& manufacturing plants for mass sanitization of the • Interloop closed its Hosiery, Spinning, Dyeing,
work floors Denim, Knitwear, and Active wear Plants and
Corporate Offices following the lockdown directives
• Symptoms screening was done at all entrances of of the government
the Company
• Complete operation has started from Aug 20 with all
• Social distancing was being implemented at all SOPs in place
locations at all times
• Hand sanitizers were installed at multiple locations
inside Company premises within easy access of
• A complete SOP for preventive hygiene measures,
identification of symptoms, provision of medical
assistance and treatment and getting back to work
safely when operations resumed, was developed and
implemented for all Company employees along with
protocol for the visitors
• Online and Digital tools; constant updates and Work
From Home protocols were put in place so that the
executive staff could work effectively from the safety
of their homes. All staff was advised to follow the
safety and social distancing guidelines at home as
well as communicated by the Company