Page 172 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 172

                  Number of Shareholders       From                   To               Total Shares Held
                             1               5,090,001             5,095,000             5,094,500
                             2               7,195,001             7,200,000            14,400,000
                             1               8,850,001             8,855,000             8,853,000
                             1              10,465,001            10,470,000            10,469,669
                             1              13,250,001            13,255,000            13,250,500
                             1              13,865,001            13,870,000            13,867,560
                             1              17,075,001            17,080,000            17,076,396
                             1              37,330,001            37,335,000            37,334,869
                             1              69,000,001            71,185,000            69,358,284
                             1             282,495,001           282,500,000           282,498,838
                             1             298,495,001           298,500,000           298,498,840
                         4,106                                                        872,197,450

                 Categories of Shareholders                       Shareholders      Shares Held  Percentage
                Directors and their spouse(s) and minor children           10       707,025,833      81.06

                Associated Companies, undertakings and related parties      -             -          -
                Executives                                                  6        21,831,136       2.50

                Banks Development Financial Institutions, Non-Banking
                                                                            6        12,981,500       1.49
                Financial Institutions
                Insurance Companies                                        10        13,772,419       1.58

                Modarabas and Mutual Funds                                 68        44,394,368       5.09

                General Public

                a. Local                                                 3,832       53,035,314       6.08

                b. Foreign                                                 54           379,095       0.04

                Foreign Companies                                           2         9,056,000       1.04

                Others                                                    118         9,721,785       1.11

                Total                                                   4,106       872,197,450    100.00

                Share holders holding 10% or more                           2       580,997,678      66.61

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