Page 74 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 74

HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS ON                                                                                                 VERTICAL ANALYSIS ON

            STATEMENT OF                                                                                                           STATEMENT OF

            FINANCIAL POSITION                                                                                                     FINANCIAL POSITION

                Particulars                    2021vs 2020   2020 vs 2019   2019 vs 2018   2018 vs 2017   2017 vs 2016   2016vs 2015     Particulars                    2021      2020       2019        2018      2017      2016
                                                                                       Percentage                                                                                               Per  centage
                Assets                                                                                                                 Assets

                Non Current Assets                                                                                                     Non Current Assets
                Property, plant and equipment     15%       25%        18%        13%       16%       2%                               Property, plant and equipment      43%       50%        44%         47%       48%      50%
                Intangible Asset                  22%      159%        56%        -10%      35%       23%                              Intangible Asset                    0%        0%         0%          0%       0%        0%
                Long term investments            -100%      84%       165%        -73%       0%       16%                              Long term investments               0%        4%         2%          1%       5%        6%
                Long term loans                   27%       73%        8%         21%      -21%      119%                              Long term loans                     0%        0%         0%          0%       0%        0%
                Long term deposits                58%       37%        12%        -15%     -39%      -33%                              Long term deposits                  0%        0%         0%          0%       0%        0%

                Total non current assets           7%       28%        22%         5%       14%       4%                               Total non current assets           43%       54%        46%         48%       53%      56%

                Current Assets                                                                                                         Current Assets
                Stores and spares                 13%       20%        14%        12%       19%       4%                               Stores and spares                   2%        2%         2%          2%       2%        2%
                Stock in trade                    28%       40%        23%        44%       12%      -21%                              Stock in trade                     19%       19%        15%         16%       12%      14%
                Trade debts                       109%      -13%       13%        51%        1%       12%                              Trade debts                        25%       16%        21%         23%       17%      20%
                Loan and advances                 113%      -54%       72%        -39%      62%      113%                              Loan and advances                   2%        1%         3%          2%       4%        3%
                Prepayment and other receivables   65%       -1%       8%         -63%     111%      141%                              Prepayment and other receivables    0%        1%         1%          1%       2%        1%
                Accrued Income                     -5%      -79%      100%         0%        0%       0%                               Accrued Income                      0%        0%         0%          0%       0%        0%
                Tax refunds due from government   80%       25%       -21%        24%      107%       2%                               Tax refunds due from government     7%        5%         5%          7%       7%        4%
                Short term investments            300%      -90%      719%        -79%     100%       0%                               Short term investments              1%        1%         3%          0%       3%        0%
                Deferred employee share option                                                                                         Deferred employee share option
                compensation expense               0%        0%      -100%       418%      100%       0%                               compensation expense                0%        0%         0%          0%       0%        0%
                Cash and bank balances            148%      -90%      694%       231%       14%       20%                              Cash and bank balances              1%        1%         4%          1%       0%        0%

                Total current assets              67%        -4%       27%        26%       28%       2%                               Total current assets               57%       46%        54%         52%       47%      44%

                Total Assets                      34%       11%       25%         15%       20%       3%                               Total Assets                      100%      100%       100%        100%      100%     100%

                Equity & Liabilities                                                                                                   Equity & Liabilities

                Equity                                                                                                                 Equity
                Issued, subscribed and paid up capital   0%   0%      359%         0%        0%        0%                              Issued, subscribed and paid up capital   14%  19%       21%          6%       7%        8%
                Reserves                           0%        0%       9656%        85%     100%        0%                              Reserves                            6%        8%         9%          0%       0%        0%
                Unappropriated profit              68%      -11%       -25%       -43%      19%       40%                              Unappropriated profit              13%       11%        13%         22%       44%      45%

                Total equity                       19%       -3%       97%        -37%      16%       32%                              Total equity                       33%       38%        43%         28%       51%      53%

                Non current liabilities                                                                                                Non current liabilities
                Long term financing                20%      89%        61%         17%      -39%     -30%                              Long term financing                14%       15%         9%          7%       7%       13%
                Lease liabilities                  50%      100%      -100%       -43%     100%      -100%                             Lease liabilities                   0%        0%         0%          0%       0%        0%
                Deferred liabilities               22%      27%        29%         22%      25%       28%                              Deferred liabilities                7%        7%         7%          6%       6%        5%

                 Total non current liabilities     21%      65%        46%         20%      -21%     -21%                                Total non current liabilities    21%       22%        16%         13%       13%      18%
                Current liabilities                                                                                                    Current liabilities
                Trade and other payables           83%      -15%       31%         50%      -16%      32%                              Trade and other payables            9%        7%         9%          8%       6%       10%
                Dividend payable                   36%      -98%       -72%       100%       0%        0%                              Dividend payable                    0%        0%         0%          1%       0%        0%
                Accrued mark up                    16%      73%        -20%        66%       -7%     -47%                              Accrued mark up                     1%        0%         0%          0%       0%        0%
                Short term borrowings              37%      22%        -23%        99%     135%      -36%                              Short term borrowings              32%       32%        29%         47%       26%      14%
                Derivative financial instruments   100%      0%         0%         0%        0%        0%                              Derivative financial instruments    0%        0%         0%          0%       0%        0%
                Current portion of non current liabilities   532%  -68%  29%       -4%      -22%      16%                              Current portion of non current liabilities   4%   1%     3%          3%       4%        5%

                Total current liabilities         56%        7%        -14%       85%       55%      -15%                              Total current liabilities          46%       40%        41%         59%       36%      29%

                Total equity and liabilities      34%       11%        25%        15%       20%       3%                               Total equity and liabilities      100%      100%       100%        100%      100%     100%

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