Page 76 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 76

LAST SIX YEARS                                                                                                          LAST SIX YEARS

            STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS                                                                                             STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

               Particulars                     2021        2020      2019        2018     2017      2016                                Particulars                     2021        2020      2019       2018      2017      2016

                                                                        Rupees in '000
                                                                                                                                                                                               Rupees in '000

               Sales - net                  54,962,265     36,302,794     37,478,321     31,138,736    26,529,786    26,333,359
                                                                                                                                        Cash Flows from Operating Activities    (707,684)    2,602,454     5,856,137     (2,790,766)    1,238,798     5,310,648
               Gross Profit                  14,212,280     7,863,718     11,954,714     9,144,499    7,026,284     7,445,009
                                                                                                                                        Cash Flows from Investing Activities    (4,618,250)    (7,283,840)    (5,224,627)    (4,467,281)   (3,152,722)    (1,526,224)
               Operating expenses            (6,192,379)    (4,610,725)    (5,538,024)    (4,655,082)    (3,520,071)    (3,097,516)
                                                                                                                                        Cash Flows from Financing Activities     5,413,852     2,477,398     1,654,622     7,369,132     1,945,152     (3,775,710)
               Profit from operations        8,019,901     3,252,993     6,416,690     4,489,417    3,506,213     4,347,493

               Finance cost                  (1,147,038)    (1,137,162)    (995,707)    (483,654)    (391,940)    (472,972)             Net increase/(decrease) in cash and      87,918     (2,203,988)    2,286,132     111,085     31,228     8,714
                                                                                                                                        cash equivalents
               Profit before taxation         6,872,863     2,115,831     5,420,983     4,005,763    3,114,273     3,874,521

               Taxation                       (581,292)    (319,428)    (226,216)    (119,954)    (103,188)    (214,117)

               Profit for the year            6,291,571     1,796,403     5,194,767     3,885,809    3,011,085     3,660,404
            HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS ON                                                                                                   HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS ON

            STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS                                                                                              STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

                Particulars                2021vs 2020   2020 vs 2019  2019 vs 2018   2018 vs 2017 2017 vs 2016  2016vs 2015            Particulars                 2021vs 2020   2020 vs 2019  2019 vs 2018   2018 vs 2017 2017 vs 2016  2016vs 2015


                Sales - net                      51%        -3%        20%         17%       1%        9%
                                                                                                                                        Cash Flows from Operating Activities   -127%   -56%    310%       -325%     -77%       50%
                Gross Profit                     81%        -34%        31%         30%      -6%       32%
                                                                                                                                        Cash Flows from Investing Activities   37%   -39%      -17%        -42%     -107%      42%
                Operating expenses               34%       -17%        19%         32%      14%       42%
                                                                                                                                        Cash Flows from Financing Activities    119%   50%     -78%       279%      152%     -294%
                Profit from operations          147%        -49%        43%         28%     -19%       26%
                Finance cost                     1%         14%       106%         23%      -17%      -47%                              Net increase/(decrease) in cash and
                                                                                                                                        cash equivalents                 104%       -196%     1958%       256%      258%      116%
                Profit before taxation          225%        -61%        35%         29%     -20%       51%
                Taxation                         82%        41%        89%         16%      -52%      175%

                Profit for the year             250%        -65%        34%         29%     -18%       47%
             VERTICAL ANALYSIS ON                                                                                                    VERTICAL ANALYSIS ON

             STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS                                                                                             STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

               Particulars                     2021        2020      2019        2018     2017      2016                                Particulars                     2021        2020      2019        2018     2017      2016


               Sales - net                      100%       100%       100%        100%     100%       100%
                                                                                                                                        Cash Flows from Operating Activities   -805%   -118%   257%      -2512%     3967%    60941%
               Gross Profit                    25.86%     21.66%      31.90%     29.37%    26.48%    28.27%
                                                                                                                                        Cash Flows from Investing Activities   -5253%   330%   -229%     -4021%   -10096%   -17514%
               Operating expenses             -11.27%    -12.70%    -14.78%     -14.95%   -13.27%   -11.76%
                                                                                                                                        Cash Flows from Financing Activities    6158%   -112%   72%       6633%     6229%   -43327%
               Profit from operations          14.59%      8.96%      17.12%     14.42%    13.22%    16.51%
               Finance cost                    -2.09%     -3.13%     -2.66%      -1.55%    -1.48%    -1.80%                             Net (decrease) / increase in cash and
                                                                                                                                        cash equivalents                 100%        100%      100%       100%      100%      100%
               Profit before taxation          12.50%      5.83%      14.46%     12.86%    11.74%    14.71%
               Taxation                        -1.06%     -0.88%     -0.60%      -0.39%    -0.39%    -0.81%

               Profit for the year             11.45%      4.95%      13.86%     12.48%    11.35%    13.90%

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