Page 29 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 29


 MEMBERSHIPS & AWARDS                             Awards

 Interloop is a member of various   Nations entity dedicated to gender
 industry associations and also supports   equality and the empowerment of
 charters developed in the areas of   women. We earnestly participate in the
 economic, environment and social   events managed by the organizations
 impact management. We actively   where we hold memberships but do
 support the Sustainable Development   not hold any management position.
 Goals of UNDP and strive to align our   We do not offer substantial funding
 strategies to uphold the ones most   to these organizations except
 relevant to our operations. We also   membership fees and sponsorships for
 support UN Women which is the United   events/seminars.


                                                 adidas Performance Award

                                                 In 2018, adidas awarded Interloop for
                                                 Zero Waste Water discharge at its LEED
                                                   Gold Certified facility; 120kW solar
 Pakistan Business Council   All Pakistan Textile Mills Association  Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers and
 Exporters Association (PHMEA)                   Energy Generation being enhanced to
                                                2MW by Q3, 2019; significantly Reducing
                                                the use of Plastic & commitment to Plant
                                                        73,000 trees by 2020

                PUMA Sustainability Award                                                EFP-OSH Award

                 PUMA Sustainability Award 2018 for                               Interloop was conferred the 14th EFP –
                 outstanding performance in Social                                OSH Award 2018 in Diamond Category
 Better Cotton Initiative  The Faisalabad Chamber of   The Lahore Chamber of Commerce   Compliance & Environmental Sustainability  Jointly Organized by Employees
 Commerce and Industry (FCCI)  and Industry (LCCI)                                 Federation of Pakistan (EFP) and ILO
                                                                                   in recognition of its Best Practices in
                                                                                      Safety, Health & Environment

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