Page 34 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 34


            Materiality assessment helps us to determine the most important issues relevant to our stakeholders and represent our major   The boundaries of the material topics have been defined based on the actual occurrence of the impact i.e. within the
            impacts on the economy, environment and the society. The issues identified from stakeholder engagement along with those       organization, outside the organization or both within and outside of the organization.
            pointed out through internal analysis and industry-specific issues were analyzed, prioritized and finalized using Reporting
            Principles from GRI Foundation 10:2016. These principles have been applied throughout the materiality determination process       Material Topic                   Impacts Making it Material                   Boundary
            at various degrees to shortlist the issues which are of most interest to our stakeholders and which represent our significant   Economic           Important for business continuity,  return to investors and contribution
            economic, environmental and social impacts. These issues have been analyzed by the sustainability cell which is responsible    Performance         to economy and society                                 Interloop
            for defining sustainability initiatives, targets and monitoring performance against these targets.                                                 Job creation for local communities resulting in economic
                                                                                                                                           Market Presence                                                            Interloop
                                                                                                                                                               development around the plant site
                                                                                                                                           Procurement         Creation of business opportunities for local vendors, economic   Interloop
                              •   Procurement Practices                 •   Economic Performance                                           Practices           development, reliable supply chain
                              •   Security Practices                    •   Market Presence                                                Materials Sourcing &   Consumption of limited material resources, impacts in the supply   Interloop, Our Suppliers
                Influence on Stakeholders’ Assessment and Decisions
                                                                        •   Materials Sourcing and Use                                     Usage               chain
                                                                        •   Emissions                                                      Energy              Impact on climate change due to the consumption of fossil fuels and   Interloop, Our Suppliers
                   Highly                                               •   Energy                                                                             opportunities for energy production from non-renewable sources
                                                                                                                                                               Lead to climate change resulting in severe weather patterns and raw
                                                                           Effluent and Waste
                                                                        •   Employment and Labor Practices                                 Emissions           material availability                                  Interloop, Our Suppliers
                                                                        •   Anti-Corruption                                                                                                                           Interloop, Our suppliers,
                                                                        •   Human Rights                                                   Water               Affects the availability of freshwater leading to water scarcity  Our Customers
                                                                        •   Local Communities
                                                                                                                                                               Affect climate through air emissions, discharge of effluent and waste
                                                                                                                                           Effluents & Waste                                                          Interloop, Our Suppliers
                                                                                                                                                               generation both hazardous and non-hazardous
                              •   Indirect Economic Impacts             •   Health and Safety                                              Employment & Labor   Providing jobs for economic development, compliance with   Interloop
                              •   Marketing and Labeling                •   Training and Education                                         Practices           applicable laws, customer charters and international conventions
                                                                        •   Supply Chain Impacts                                           Anti-Corruption     Affects competitiveness, leads to misuse of power resulting in   Interloop, Our Suppliers
                                                                        •   Compliance with Laws                                                               poverty. Compliance with laws and international charters
                   Moderately                                                                                                              Human Rights        Risks to reputation and license to operate in case of non-compliance   Interloop, Our Suppliers
                                                                                                                                                               of basic human rights defined in international charters and

                                                                                                                                           Local Communities   Effects on local communities due to operations, the contribution for   Interloop
                                                                                                                                                               provision of education and health facilities and creation of livelihood
                                                                                                                                                               opportunities for economic development
                                                                                                                                                               Health and safety of employees impacting productivity, compliance
                                                                                                                                           Health & Safety                                                            Interloop
                                                                                                                                                               with applicable laws as well as customers’ requirements
                                                                                                                                           Training and        Enhances the productive potential of the workforce, cost savings,
                                                                                                                                           Education           and improvement of product and service quality         Interloop
                                        Moderately                                  Highly                                                                     Compliance with human rights laws and international charters and
                                                                                                                                           Security Practices                                                         Interloop
                                  Significance of Impacts on Enconomy, Environment and Society                                                                 customers’ requirements
                                                                                                                                           Compliance with Laws Compliance with applicable laws                       Interloop
            The outcome of the materiality determination process has been summarized in the materiality matrix. The materiality matrix                         Negative supply chain impacts in the areas of environment, labor and
            contains the issues which are highly important to stakeholders and Interloop and demonstrates significant impacts of issues    Supply Chain  Impacts  human rights                                        Interloop, Our Suppliers
            that are moderately important to Interloop and stakeholders. The scope and content of the report have been derived from the
            materiality matrix. The analysis of the material topics also helps in devising and updating appropriate policies and procedures
            for effective management of the impacts of our operations.

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