Page 33 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 33


                                                  Engagement    Topics Identified by
                Stakeholders  Engagement Method   Frequency     Stakeholders             Our Response
 Stakeholders play an essential role   from GRI Standard Foundation   stakeholders are engaged throughout
 in our success. Their input helps us   101:2016 was used during the   the year by concerned departments   •   Economic returns  Continuous focus on
 meet their expectations and augments   process of stakeholder engagement.   for discussing the issues relevant to   AGM/EOGM/   •   Management of   innovation and business
 shared value creation. We define   Stakeholders were identified, mapped   them and Interloop. However, during   Shareholders/   Corporate Affairs   Ongoing  environmental risks  development, investment
 stakeholders as individuals, entities and   and prioritized for engagement on   the year, we have carried out specific   Investors  Department  •   Interventions for the   in environmentally friendly
 groups who have the potential to affect   the basis of their relationship with   engagement with selected stakeholder   progress of local   technologies and CSR
 our ambitions, targets and business   Interloop, their ability to impact   groups for defining material topics for   communities  program management
 objectives or who are affected by our   or vulnerability due to Interloop’s   our sustainability report.
 activities and operations. GRI reporting   activities and operations, proximity         Continuous investment
 principle of stakeholder inclusiveness   and willingness to engage. The   Briefing, Reports,   •   Investments/Expansion  in production capacity,
                Analysts      Corporate Affairs   Ongoing/      •   Environmental initiatives  environmental policies and
                                                                                         monitoring of impacts and
                                                                •   CSR actions          CSR investment for local
                                                                •   New Products/Designs  Continuous innovation and
                              Customer Surveys,                 •   Quality              up-gradation for quality
                Customers     Customer Feedback,   Ongoing                               products, management of
                              Marketing Department              •   Impacts on the       impacts on environment and
                                                                   environment and society  society through CSR policies

                                                                •   Employee benefits    Provision of market-
                              Annual Dinner, CBA
                              Meeting, Human                    •   Job-related training  based benefits, on job
                              Resource Department,              •   Health and safety of   training to enhance their
                Employees     Open House Sessions,  Ongoing        workers               skill set and investment/
                              Mission Awareness                                          policies, procedures for the
                              Sessions, Employees               •   Training to security   management of health and
                              Surveys                              personnel on human    safety of workers and training
                                                                   rights                to security personnel

                                                                                         Business Development
                                                                •   Business opportunities  leading to increased
                              Supplier Surveys,                                          opportunities, exploring
                              Suppliers Code of                 •   Environmental friendly
                Suppliers                         Ongoing          material and guidance   environmental friendly
                              Conduct, Request for                                       materials and training/
                              Quotations                           on new material
                                                                   requirements          guidance to suppliers on new

                                                                                         Compliance with laws and
                Regulators/   Reports, Consultative   Ongoing/   Compliance with laws and   regulations in all business
                Government    Sessions            Occasional    regulations
                                                                                         CSR program based
                                                                Intervention in the field   on community needs
                                                                of education especially
                Local         Meetings, Employee   Ongoing      special children education,   assessment and investment
                Community     Engagement                                                 in education, health, and
                                                                health, and infrastructure   sports for the improvement of
                                                                                         local communities

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