Page 73 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 73
Interloop Joins Hands employees are trained in technical,
with IFC-PBC to Promote operational and leadership skills at the
Family-Friendly Practices at in-house Technical Training School
Workplace (TTS). In last 1 year, the company has
spent around PKR 8.8 million and
Interloop is among the 14 companies trained approximately 674 executive &
in Pakistan to participate in the first non - executive employees.
ever private sector peer-learning
collaboration, led by IFC & PBC, to
create better career opportunities by
providing a family-friendly workplace.
Under this initiative, IFC, PBC,
CatCo Kids, Ubuntu Care, National
Commission on the Status of Women,
UNICEF Pakistan & UN Women
Pakistan will provide advice on
childcare needs assessment & conduct 60 females with STEM degrees • Membership of compliance
a series of events to expand learning are working at Interloop including committees such as Workers Training hours per Employee
& share knowledge on family-friendly 31 textiles, electrical and industrial Management Committee,
practices. engineers. Several policies & practices Environment Health & Safety Training Hours per Employee Training Hours per Employee Training Hours per Employee
have been instituted to recruit and train Committee, etc. (by Gender) (by Employee Category)
Employing Females in Non – females in non-traditional jobs. • Presence of Female Welfare 4
Traditional Areas Officers at all manufacturing plants 16,775 70000 65,275 60000 56,375
Other Initiatives for Female
As part of Interloop’s Vision 2020, Employees to facilitate grievance management 56000 48000
women are now represented in every of female employees
department and also in non-traditional • Free & Safe pick and drop has 42000 36000
roles including knitting planners, been expanded to more remote Talent Development
knitting operators and stitching areas Programs 28000 24000
machines operators, previously • Focused trainings and recreational 75,027 15,561 18,652
considered male-dominant areas. & sports activities Interloop truly believes in nurturing 14000 15,602 12000
its people. The Human Resource 9,752
Department conducts regular Training No. of Employees 1,173 4 8 1,214 15 4
Need Analysis to identify development Training Hours 0 No. of Man-hours Avg. Training 0 No. of Man-hours Avg. Training
Average Hours of Training
needs of employees and prepares employees hours employees hours
comprehensive employee development Male Female Executive Non-Executive
programs. The objective is to equip During the year, Interloop devoted to 31.64% in 2018 were trained on
the people with knowledge & skills 8,633 hours compared to 4,683 hours, human rights policies. During the year,
for long term employability and on human rights policies concerning 100% of security personnel were
career enhancement. For executive human rights aspects related to trained on human rights policies and all
employees, well-designed customized business, including non-discrimination, employees received performance and
and open enrolment training programs diversity and equal opportunity, child career development reviews.
on technical, managerial and leadership labor and forced and compulsory labor.
skills are conducted by Pakistani 51.69% of workers in 2019 compared
& Foreign Trainers. Non-executive
70 Interloop Limited Sustainability Report 2019 71