Page 74 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 74


            Companywide Sports

            To promote physical and mental
            wellbeing of our people through
            competitiveness and healthy
            entertainment, the company has
            developed state of the art Sports
            Infrastructure, including state of the art
            executive club, table tennis, squash,
            badminton and basketball courts,                                                                                              Corporate Social Events          careers. The company offers 5 Talent   team members including workers to
            football grounds and high energy                                                                                                                               Scholarships every year to meritorious   act empathetically and uphold the
            fitness gyms and organizes various                                                                                            To enhance employee engagement   children of its employees, for Bachelor   rights of co-workers, communities and
            traditional and non-traditional sports                                                                                        with the company and to recognize   Degree Programs.              other related parties. We believe in fair
            tournaments, both for males and                                                                                               their services, Interloop organizes                               treatment to labor and do not have
            females.                                                                                                                      various social events throughout the   Respecting Human           any kind of forced, compulsory or child
                                                                                                                                          year. Worth mentioning amongst                                    labor practices at our plants. Our top
            Inter departmental Cricket Tournaments                                                                                        others include the Annual Dinner;   Rights                        priority is to comply with applicable
            are held at the start of fall season.                                                                                         organized in the foundation month                                 employment and human rights related
            The activity creates lot of enthusiasm                                                                                        of the company, where executives   Interloop places great emphasis on   laws and honor our commitment to
            amongst the employees who either                                                                                              catch up with colleagues and enjoy an   respecting human rights, not only   international charters on human rights.
            play or witness the matches and cheer                                                                                         exquisite evening full of Long Service   within its operations but also in its   As a policy, we try to make sure that
            their favorite teams.                                                                                                                                          sphere of influence. Our well-defined
                                                                                                                                          Awards, entertainment, food and   policies on different aspects of human   similar labor practices prevail at our
            Football has emerged as the most                                                                                              music, Managers Dinner; hosted by the   rights coupled with our commitment   supplier organizations. The compliance
            popular sport among the staff and                                                                                             Chairman & CEO and their families, to   and practice to abide by laws and   is ensured through third-party audits
            the tournament draws huge interest                                                                                            offer gratitude to the Managers for their   international charters ensure that   and any non-compliances identified
            and participation. The annual                                                                                                 hard work and dedication, especially   human rights are well respected in all   are discussed with suppliers, to rectify
            Badminton, Table Tennis and Chess                                                                                             to their spouses, acknowledging their   of our activities. Our code of conduct   these and to avoid such instances in
            Championships enable all team                                                                                                 continuous support, International   and shared values ‘I-Care’ require all   future.
            members to take a break from their                                                                                            Women’s Day; to promote equality
            routine working schedules and refresh                                                                                         & diversity and to celebrate the
            themselves, physically & mentally.   organized for the male and female   Lawn Bowl Championship for them as                   successes of women at Interloop, Long
                                             workforce. To ensure equal opportunity   well which boosts their self-confidence             Service Awards for Non-Executives; to
            Encouraging non-traditional sports,   and to cheer its differently abled   and gives them a sense of pride.                   recognize non-executive employees
            Lawn Bowling Championship is     employees, the company arranges                                                              completing 10 years’ service with the
                                                                                                                                          company, Christmas; to display respect
                                                                                                                                          for minorities and encourage diversity
                                                                                                                                          in our company.

                                                                                                                                          Talent Scholarship for
                                                                                                                                          Employees’ Children

                                                                                                                                          Interloop encourages its employees to
                                                                                                                                          motivate their children acquire higher
                                                                                                                                          education and flourish into promising

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