Page 71 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 71


 Equality & Diversity  Reconnect Program

 Interloop is an equal opportunity   Through the ‘Reconnect Program’,
 employer and is committed to   female staff members who have
 promoting equality, diversity and fair   completed 3 years’ service with the
 treatment in all areas of employment.   company and have to leave their
 It provides an inclusive environment   jobs due to family requirements can
 where everyone feels valued and   reconnect with their careers after
 respected, irrespective of age, gender,   having a break.
 race, marital status, disability, religion   Extended Maternity Leaves
 or belief, color and nationality. It’s a
 17,000+ strong team with diverse   In addition to the entitled leaves, if a
 talent and over 15 nationalities across   female employee requires further leave
 various locations.   due to her or her newborn’s health
               issue, she can avail another 4 weeks
 Interloop aims to provide all   leave at half pay.
 employees a safe and supportive work   Representatives have been created at   Worker’s Management Council is
 environment, free of discrimination and   all plants who are always accessible   actively working at all Interloop plants.   Day Care Centers
 harassment and equal opportunities to   to every employee for handling any   We also encourage our suppliers to
 grow, learn and develop on merit. The   grievance & directing their complaints   respect the workers’ right to freedom   To provide ease of mind to working
 policies, procedures and practices of   regarding work, working environment,   of association as per applicable laws   mothers regarding their young
 the company have been formulated to   welfare, discipline, etc. to CHC at each   and conventions. During the year,   children, world-class Day Care
 inculcate the culture of encouraging   plant.  no supplier was identified where the   Centers are in place at all Interloop
 and supporting women, transgenders   workers’ right to freedom of association   Hosiery Plants where the executive
 and differently abled employees.    Workers’ Right to   was at risk.   and non-executive female employees
 Freedom of Association  comfortably leave their children, while
 Grievance Handling  Women Empowerment   at work. Experienced Nannies take
 Interloop respects the workers’   good care of children according to
 Standard Operating Procedures for   right to freedom of association, and   Interloop truly believes that   their play, rest and meal timings. The
 Grievance Handling are in place and   awareness sessions are carried out in   empowering women through   international standard infrastructure
 special positions of Management   this reference as a general practice.   employment and skill enhancement
 not only helps them achieve financial
 stability for themselves and their                                               includes study, play and rest areas, and
 families but also makes them a                                                   trained teachers ensure quality pre-
 productive member of the society.                                                primary education and development
                                                                                  of these children through curricular
 Enhancing Female                                                                 and extracurricular activities. Company
 Participation                                                                    doctor performs periodic check-ups of
                                                                                  these children to warrant that they stay
 To support women empowerment                                                     in good health.
 and to improve gender parity within
 the organization, Interloop has taken
 a strategic decision to increase the
 percentage of women in executive &
 non-executive teams, in various grades
 including managerial roles and working

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